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Important information for January 2022

Dear Parents & Carers

I would like to start by thanking you for your continued support this term. As always our students have been a credit to us and have demonstrated their resilience through our outstanding Ways of Being.

We have sent home packs containing important information for you regarding the remainder of the academic year and these are also available as PDF downloads below. I have listened carefully to you as parents/carers and this pack is a response to requests for more information on assessment, how to help your child make progress at home, information on standards/uniform and our drive for high expectations for behaviour to learning. I have outlined below for you some details regarding the documents sent home to you:

This is a list of all the main assessments your child will complete this academic year. These assessments underpin the learning outcomes taking place during learning throughout the curriculum. Your child will have a set of knowledge organisers that will help them revise for these assessments. The class teacher will inform all students of the exact date these will take place and students can use their notebooks and knowledge organisers to help them revise. As requested, we have included a list of useful revision websites that can be used to ensure learning is consolidated.

Exams 2022 information (Year 11 information only)
I have enclosed for you a summary sheet on the concessions that have been made for all Year 11 students in the Summer 2022 exams. Ofqual have in many cases reduced content and provided further resources in the exams such as formula sheets. At this point in time we have been told that exams will continue. However, should we have another lockdown, a plan B is in place for a similar system to last year to take place. We are planning for both outcomes to ensure our students are successful regardless of the process used to assess them. It is therefore important that students revise for assessments and the February mocks as these will be used as evidence if exams do not go exactly as planned. I will write to you in the new year with further information on the mocks.

Homework Timetable
The homework timetable is enclosed. You can identify from here the days that homework will be set and for which subjects. The homework will be added to the student planner. 

Acknowledging our Ways of Being
We are relaunching our rewards system in January aligned to our Ways of Being. Enclosed you will find a summary on what rewards students can earn. We will be communicating reward points to you via progress reports sent home. Please do ask your child if they have earned any rewards and ask them if they have received any golden tickets!

Behaviour Ways of Being
Enclosed are our behaviour Ways of Being. We expect high standards from all in the academy and want to continue to develop a culture of high respect and high responsibility that allows all students to make accelerated progress from the moment they step into the academy.

Ready to Learn
‘Ready to Learn’ is the whole school behaviour for learning system which covers all aspects of academy life. Your child will be familiar with the phrase ‘ready to learn’ as this is common language in and out of the classroom. We expect all students to arrive ready to learn and have outlined the standards and uniform that we expect from all students. If you require any further information on uniform, please contact your child’s year manager.

Behaviour for Learning 
Enclosed is a summary of the behaviour for learning policy. The document includes information on the standards gate and how we will ensure consistency on corrections and the completion of corrections. At the end of this document you will find a table that outlines the consequences for unacceptable behaviours. Although this list is not exhaustive, it will allow you to understand the respectful learning environment we are aiming for, that will allow our curriculum to provide the best education possible and will transform our students’ lives. 

Being on time to the academy is essential to ensure your child has a successful day. We recognise that parents/carers have a vital role to play in supporting their children to arrive in the academy by 8.25am so they can be outside their classroom ready to learn by 8.30am. We will support you and work with you at all times to achieve this. Enclosed you will find our punctuality/lates process.

Parental drop in session
I will be holding a parental drop in session. These have been really successful this academic year. You are welcome to discuss any of the contents of this pack or any other concerns you may have. I will be available during these sessions with my leadership team to speak to you. This will take place on Monday 20 December from 8am to 10am and 2pm to 4pm. If you cannot attend and have a question please feel free to contact the year team, subject teachers or me.

Dates for your diary  
Monday 20 December Parental drop in sessions with Headteacher and Senior Leadership Team (8-10am and 24pm)
Tuesday 21 December Christmas Jumper Day. Students wear their full uniform and can also wear a Christmas jumper. We ask for a £1 contribution towards our nominated charity, MIND.
Tuesday 21 December End of term students finish at 2pm
Tuesday 4 January LFD testing for all students with consent in line with Public Health guidance will take place on site. More information on this to follow
Wednesday 5 January Start of the new term for all students

I would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your family a very happy Christmas and New Year and we look forward to seeing all students in the new term.

Yours faithfully

Zarina Ali, Head of Academy