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Our adventure in Chinatown​​​​​​​

During the last week of term our GCSE Mandarin students enjoyed a trip to Manchesters’ famous Chinatown to experience the authentic Chinese culture and atmosphere.

Accompanied by Teacher of Mandarin, Mrs Kirkham, the group had a wonderful and insightful afternoon putting into practice the Chinese language they have learnt and sampling some amazing Chinese food. The trip was organised in conjunction with our partners SWIRE Chinese Language Foundation who kindly funded part of the cost of the trip for us.

To start, our group set off on a Treasure Hunt around the Chinese supermarkets to recognise the many Chinese characters they have learnt and then went on to carry our street interviews with members of the public to find out how they celebrated Chinese New Year and what traditional festival food they enjoyed.

After all their hard work, our group had built up an appetite and we headed to Pinwei Chinese Restaurant for a delicious, traditional meal and Chinese tea.

Following our lunch the students put their photography skills to the test in a competition trying to capture an image that reflected Chinese influence or East Asian cuisine.

Our students behaved impeccably and Mrs Kirkham astounded with their confidence and knowledge when practicing the language skills they’ve developed.