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Positive Behaviour Policy

Positive Behaviour Policy 

Version: July 2024          Review Date: July 2025

A consultation via email around the contents of this policy has been conducted
with all staff prior to the policy release.

Co-op Academy Swinton, Sefton Road, Pendlebury, Manchester M27 6JU Tel: 0161 794 6215


Introduction        3

Policy Statement and Purpose        3

Rules and Ways of Being        4

Rights and Responsibilities        5

Developing Positive Behaviour and Rewards        6

Classroom Strategies and Expectations        7

Classroom Consequences        8

Expectations Around School Behaviour        9

Conduct within the local community        11

Consequences        11

Further Intervention and Support        16

Child on Child Abuse        17

Suspensions        18

Permanent Exclusions        19

Searching, Screening and Confiscation        19

Physical Restraint        21

Appendix 1 | Corrections Protocol        22

Appendix 2 | Legislation and Statutory Requirements         24

Appendix 3 | Behaviour and Classroom Routines        25


The purpose of our Positive Behaviour Policy is to ensure that all members of our community have knowledge of the Behaviour for Learning system and follow it to bring about consistency of practice throughout the school. It also ensures that all Pupils understand what constitutes acceptable and unacceptable behaviour and that every pupil understands their choices and the consequences of their decisions. Our relationships with our pupils are built on ‘unconditional positive regard’, where all students are treated equally and as individuals and all students feel respected and valued at all times.

The Positive Behaviour policy also outlines the acknowledgement of our ways of being that helps make the system effective as we recognise that rewards play a vital role in the process of ensuring outstanding behaviour.

Our key purpose is to ensure the safety, well-being and success of all our pupils. In order to ensure success for all, we have in place a range of interventions to support pupils, develop positive relationships and refocus on learning. At Co-op Academy Swinton, we resist endless discussions around behaviour and spend our energy in returning pupils to learning. Poor conduct has consequences for learning, achievement and in these unprecedented times the safety and wellbeing of our community. We strive to achieve the same high expectations for all.

Our Positive Behaviour Learning Policy is built around our ways of being values; Succeed Together, Do What Matters Most, Be Yourself, Always and Show You Care and is aimed at supporting our pupils develop in them, and reflect where they have breached these values.

In applying this policy, the school takes into account its duties under the Equality Act 2010 regarding relevant characteristics protected by that act, notably disability. It also takes into account the needs of pupils with special educational needs and disabilities. The school will also have regard to its safeguarding policy where appropriate.

This Policy is based on the following legislation and guidance:

Behaviour in Schools - Advice for Headteachers and School Staff

School Suspensions and Permanent Exclusions

Searching, Screening and Confiscation - Advice for Schools

Keeping Children Safe in Education 2022

Education Act (2002), as amended by Education Act (2011)

Education and Inspections Act (2006)

School Discipline [Pupil Exclusions and Reviews] – England – Regulations (2012)

Equality Act (2010, revised 2018)

Policy Statement and Purpose

  • To have the highest expectations of pupil behaviour in order to maximise opportunities to strive for success.
  • To ensure all pupils develop the good learning habits that they need to be successful in school and life.
  • To realise and celebrate the potential of all pupils through promoting our core values of show you care, succeed together, be yourself, always and do what matters most.
  • To create an environment in which pupils are supported to become self-disciplined, hardworking and able to accept responsibility for their own actions.
  • To form an active, three-way partnership with families and pupils to encourage excellent behaviour and to establish improved patterns of behaviour where there are difficulties.

These aims are supported by regular staff CPD focusing on: core routines and developing appropriate strategies for managing behaviour; bespoke teaching and learning strategies and how to ensure the highest quality provision for all pupils including those with special educational needs and disabilities. More information on behaviour and classroom routines can be found here, including information on:

  • Uniform
  • Entry to school
  • Entry to and exit from lessons
  • Classroom routines

Co-op Academy Swinton is committed to doing what matters most by ensuring that our pupils strive to achieve success. We are dedicated to succeeding together and ensuring that all pupils succeed at university, or a real alternative, thrive in a top job and have a great life. We believe that anyone who is successful (in the truly broad sense of the word) must be co-operative, responsible, happy, healthy, resilient, independent and show they care about their own aspirations and the aspirations of others. We also want our pupils to express themselves in the right way by being yourself, always across our academy community and beyond.

Our ‘Co-op Academy Swinton Learning Habits’ provide a framework to ensure our core values (Show You Care, Succeed Together, Be Yourself, Always and Do What Matters Most) are embedded within our daily practice and routines.

From the first day at Co-op Academy Swinton, pupils are expected to pick up and develop our core learning habits which we believe every pupil can demonstrate. In doing so, each pupil will thrive at our academy and will have the skills they need to be successful at university and/or in the professional world of work.

In order to create an atmosphere of mutual respect, openness and fairness in which all members of our Academy community can flourish and achieve their potential, all pupils are responsible for certain expectations in classrooms and in corridors.

Rules and Ways of Being

Co-op Academy Swinton is underpinned by the values of the Co-op and all within the academy aspire to the Ways of Being Co-op. These are:

  • Do what matters most.
  • Be yourself, always.
  • Show you care.
  • Succeed together

Our rules for pupil conduct are underpinned by our Ways of Being. Our Ways of Being determine how we behave with each other both in and out of the Academy. Our rules are drawn from our values and add clarity to how we can live out our values on a day to day basis:

  • Always be READY
  • Be punctual
  • Be prepared with equipment
  • Wear uniform correctly
  • Be ready to learn
  • Always be RESPECTFUL
  • Have a positive attitude to learning
  • Be on task and follow the code of conduct
  • Follow instructions first time every time
  • Speak politely and with manners
  • Always be SAFE
  • Always be where you are supposed to be
  • We are a non contact school
  • Follow entry and exit routines at the beginning and end of lessons
  • Move sensibly around the academy

Rights and Responsibilities

The Governing Board | The Governing Board is responsible for monitoring this behaviour policy’s effectiveness and holding the headteacher to account for its implementation.

The Principal | The Principal is responsible for reviewing and approving this behaviour policy. The headteacher will ensure that the school environment encourages positive behaviour and that staff deal effectively with poor behaviour, and will monitor how staff implement this policy to ensure rewards and sanctions are applied consistently.

Staff | Staff are responsible for:

  • Implementing the behaviour policy and promoting the strategies within the pupil care model consistently
  • Modelling positive behaviour
  • Providing a personalised approach to the specific behavioural needs of particular pupils
  • Recording behaviour incidents.
  • The senior leadership team will support staff in responding to behaviour incidents.

Parents | Parents are expected to:

  • Support their child in adhering to the pupil code of conduct
  • Inform the school of any changes in circumstances that may affect their child’s behaviour
  • Discuss any behavioural concerns with the tutor promptly

Developing Positive Behaviour and Rewards

Rewards and celebrating success are an important part of life at Co-op Academy Swinton. Pupils’ success both within and outside the classroom is rewarded. Rewarding our pupils makes them feel valued, builds confidence and motivates them to achieve. In addition, rewarding good behaviour communicates the Academy's expectations and values to all pupils and gives staff the opportunity to recognise and reward commitment to the Academy values which contributes to the school culture and ethos.

Pupils receive rewards for academic achievement, attendance and for demonstrating the Co-op values. Teaching staff are provided with regular training on the school rewards system during INSET days, staff CPD and staff briefings. Pupils are also made fully aware of the rewards system during assemblies and afternoon STRIVE time sessions.

An overview of the Co-op Swinton rewards system can be seen below:

Co-op Academy Swinton - School Rewards

Positive behaviour Rewards

Be yourself always

Year Manager Rewards

Succeed together

Subject Rewards

Show you care

Attendance Rewards

Do what matters most

10 students per year group recognised based upon positive behaviour point analysis.

Rewards = Golden Ticket, early lunch pass and small prize.

5 students nominated per year group

Rewards = Platinum ticket, a pizza party during strive time and a certificate.

2 awards per subject per year group

Reward = Golden ticket, small prize and a certificate.

Students with 100% attendance or most improved attendance over a half term

Rewards = Small prize, early lunch pass and golden ticket.

ECL and HWO (attendance team) to nominate

Deadline for nominations - Thursday of the penultimate week of each half term

All recognised / discussed within year group assemblies as per the assembly slides shared by SRI/PST

Reward trips - End of half term 2 (Ice Skating) and end of half term 6 (Choice of reward trip or one designated venue)

Easter Chocolate rewards at the end of half term 4

Based upon positive point analysis and attendance

(95% attendance, No FTEs and 75% green positive points)

Ways of Being Focus | At Co-op Academy Swinton, we acknowledge pupils when they positively display our values. Achievement points are given for behaviours in class and around the building when showing exceptional manners and caring for others. These are acknowledged regularly in the form of achievement points which are issued electronically by teaching and support staff.

Verbal acknowledgement | Staff members use positive language, specific descriptive feedback and reinforcement to signal to pupils that they are demonstrating positive learning habits. Year teams will communicate with home regularly; this is an opportunity to provide our families with positive information.

Golden Tickets | Teachers and Support Staff can hand out two golden tickets per lesson for pupils who demonstrate outstanding learning habits. For example, supporting their peers to promote a positive learning environment (succeeding together), developing their own knowledge and skills to benefit themselves and fellow pupils (be yourself, always), being a driving force to make sure my school moves forward. I am mindful that my behaviour and actions have an impact on others (Do what matters most), encouraging cooperation between pupils to promote trust, mutual respect and support (show you care).

Platinum Tickets | Visitors will be given 5 platinum tickets. As they transition around the building and/or visit classes they can acknowledge outstanding behaviours from our pupils. Examples of behaviours are; pride in presentation, effort, confident articulation of learning, manners, gratitude and caring for others.

End of Half Term and Termly Celebration Assemblies and Golden Ticket Raffles | Pupils who consistently demonstrate outstanding learning habits will be entered into raffles to win various prizes. An example of prizes are, queue jump at break and lunch, chocolate hamper, shopping vouchers, iPad, Chromebook, revision packs, trips to Old Trafford and various other venues throughout the year.  

Classroom Strategies and Expectations

From the first day at Co-op Academy Swinton, pupils are expected to pick up and develop our core learning habits which we believe every pupil can demonstrate. In doing so, each pupil will thrive at our academy and will have the skills they need to be successful at university and/or in the professional world of work.

Core Learning Habits

Being Ready to Learn | Fully equipped, full academy uniform and punctual to all lessons. Please see enclosed uniform and standards guidance.

Genuine Mutual Respect | Actions that are experienced or done by two or more people towards others that show a regard for the feelings, wishes, or rights of others.

Routines | How we transition around the building, enter and exit classrooms so that we maximise learning time.

Academic Behaviours | Retrieval & Practice, Guided, Independent Practice and Deeper Thinking through generative learning.

Learning Behaviours | Being on task at all times, punctual to all lessons, being fully equipped for every lesson, taking pride in their presentation and completing homework to the best of their ability.


At Co-op Academy Swinton we SLANT in every lesson and every assembly. This is a key habit that will help pupils to succeed in school and in life. When pupils SLANT they learn more, they remember more, they develop more self-control and they demonstrate that they are polite young people who demonstrate respect towards their teachers and their peers

  • Sit Up
  • Lean Forward
  • Arms Folded
  • Never disrupt
  • Track the speaker

More information on behaviour and classroom routines can be found appendix 3, including information on:

  • Entry to school
  • Entry to and exit from lessons
  • Classroom routines

Classroom Consequences



Pupils who are failing to meet the standards receive a verbal warning.

“You are not meeting the standards we expect, this is now your verbal warning”

Warnings are given in lessons for any behaviour that either stops a pupil learning
or stops others from learning.



Remove to buddy room 

Pupils who fail to meet the required standards after a verbal warning will be asked to move seats. Pupils must now refocus and meet the expectations in the classroom.

“You have continued to disrupt the learning, thank you for now moving to this seat” (teacher assigns seat)

**A move seat intervention is logged on Arbor (this will not give pupils a correction)

If a pupil repeats behaviour that fails to meet the standards of the school, pupils will be removed to an assigned room.

“Unfortunately you have again continued to disrupt learning, thank you now going to the removal room”
(specify the assigned room)

**A correction is logged on Arbor and will result in a detention after school

Behaviour Support

If a pupil fails to meet the standards in their removal room the member of staff should request support from the pastoral team via email. The pupil will then be removed from learning and placed in reset for a wave 1 placement (5 lessons).

“Unfortunately you have failed to meet the standards in our classroom, I am now contacting behaviour support to remove
you from lesson” (Pupil waits in the room until behaviour support arrives)

**A removal incident is logged on Arbor.

In some circumstances warnings are not issued and pupils can be immediately removed and sent to their removal room.

Pupils who refuse to move seat first time | Teacher removes the pupil to their assigned removal room and adds a correction.

Pupils who refuse to remove to the assigned removal room | Teacher emails behaviour support and the pupil is taken to reset room for a wave 1 placement (5 lessons)

Expectations Around School Behaviour

At Co-op Academy Swinton we expect our pupils to do the right thing, even when no one is watching. We have clear expectations of our pupils outside of lessons to ensure that the Academy is safe at all times. Our expectations are:

  • Follow instructions the first time
  • Respect others and treat them accordingly (hands off)
  • Keep voices at a quiet volume and use appropriate language
  • Move quickly and sensibly without stopping
  • Keep on the left-hand side including the stairs

Pupils who do not meet the expectations will receive a correction. Staff will enter ‘Out of lesson behaviour’ sanction on Arbor.

Standards Gate

In the morning as our pupils arrive we will have three gates open. The Breakfast Club Gate (Enter at the Key Stage 3) will welcome our pupils from 7:30am for a free breakfast and hot/cold drink. This is available for all our pupils.

Key Stage 3 (Year 7, 8 & 9) pupils can fast track into the building if they are ready to learn (Fully equipped, full school uniform and have arrived before the morning 8:30am bell). Pupils will enter through the Science Gate at the front of the academy. Year 7 & 8 currently enter the academy here so there will be no changes for those two year groups.

Key Stage 4 (Year 10 & 11) pupils can fast track into the building if they are ready to learn (Fully equipped, full academy uniform and have arrived before the morning 8:30am bell). Pupils will enter through the Main Pupil Entrance at the front of the academy. Year 10 & 11 currently use this entrance so no there will be no change for both year groups.

The third gate is our Standards Gate. Pupils enter here if they are not ready to learn. For example, a pupil may not have a tie and as a result are not in full uniform. This pupil will enter through the Standards Gate located at the front of the academy entering the Geography corridor (in between the Key Stage 3 & 4 fast track gates). Here they can loan a tie for the day. This stops the pupil receiving a correction. We will also loan blazers, school shoes and provide equipment needed. If a pupil is persistently not ready to learn, we will arrange parental meetings to discuss the concerns and what support we can put in place to rectify this. Pupils who arrive at school without appropriate uniform or equipment will be issued with a correction.

Our Standards Gate is open until 9:00am. Pupils arriving late (up until 9.00am) wil enter the academy through this gate and not the main entrance. Any pupil arriving after 9:00am will then enter at the Main Reception to sign in. Pupils who are late will be issued with a correction which will be completed on the same day.

Attendance and Punctuality

Parents/carers are expected to notify the academy of a pupil's absence. In the case of an illness, parents/carers should phone the academy on the first day of absence and then each day thereafter.

For our pupils to gain the greatest benefit from their education it is vital that they not only attend school regularly, but are also punctual. Pupils are required to arrive on time, in correct uniform and with the correct equipment, ready to work hard, for every lesson.


Any pupil’s absence or late arrival disrupts teaching routines and may affect the learning of others in the same class; every pupil should have access to the full time education to which they are entitled. Good time keeping is a vital life skill which will help our children as they progress through their school life and out into the wider world. Pupils who are late to school or lessons will complete a same day correction for 30 minutes. Lateness to school and lessons will be recorded and parents/carers will be notified of a same day correction. In exceptional circumstances pupils may be excused from a correction e.g. transport issues or family circumstances.  

Conduct in the local community

We have the same high expectations of pupils’ behaviour outside of school as we do on the school site. Sanctions may be applied where a pupil misbehaves off-site when representing the school when, for example:

  • taking part in any school-organised or school-related activity (e.g. school trips);
  • travelling to or from school;
  • wearing school uniform;
  • in any other way identifiable as a pupil of our school

Sanctions may also be applied where a pupil has misbehaved off-site at any time, whether or not the conditions above apply, if the misbehaviour:

  • could have repercussions for the orderly running of the school;
  • poses a threat to another pupil or member of the public;
  • could adversely affect the reputation of the school

Sanctions will only be given out on school premises or elsewhere when the pupil is under the lawful control of the staff member (e.g. on a school-organised trip).


The table shows possible consequences for different behaviours. Where pupil behaviour is persistent, we will work with families and the pupil to put support in place to create individualised strategies to help the pupil get back on track.

Year Team

Year Team/ SLT





Reset Wave 1

Reset Wave 2

Suspension & Reset 

Wave 3 (Red line behaviours)


Move/ Permanent


Off task behaviour
in lessons

Persistent refusal to show positive

learning behaviours

Answering back
to staff

Breaking no contact rule – fighting /

physical assault

Chewing Gum

Being dishonest to members of staff

Misbehaviour in


Incorrect uniform

Late to lesson

Late to school

Missing equipment

Persistent failure to bring PE kit

Missed homework / independent learning deadline

Mobile phone seen

Failure to hand

mobile phone in

after it being seen
or heard

Overheard swearing



Year Team

Year Team/ SLT





Reset Wave 1

Reset Wave 2

Suspension & Reset Wave 3 (Red line behaviours)


Move/ Permanent


Lines in eyebrows

Swearing at a


Absconding school

Leaving a lesson

Missing a correction


Refusal to complete adequate work

Graffiti on school work / defacing school work

Refusal to follow


Three corrections
in a day


Persistent off task


Vandalism of school property

Swearing at a

member of staff

Racist / trans /


comments or


Prolonged bullying of a pupil (as defined by the anti-bullying policy)


Sexual/Homophobic/Racist bullying (as defined by the anti-bullying policy)

Verbally threatening a member of staff

Bringing drugs or a dangerous weapon into school

Sexual violence and sexual harrassment

Year Team

Year Team/






Reset Wave 1

Reset Wave 2

Suspension &

Reset Wave 3

(Red line behaviours)


Move /



Physical violence

towards staff

Using an implement to harm another


Bringing fireworks into school


Inappropriate use of the toilets e.g. more than two pupils per cubicle

Damage / vandalism of the toilet facilities

Tampering with CCTV cameras


We must have high expectations of everyone in order for pupils to be successful; we will support every pupil to meet our expectations. Whilst sometimes this may be challenging, we expect our pupils to live by our learning habits 100% of the time. If they do this, their hard work will be acknowledged through our ways of being (core values).

However, if any of the learning habits are not met, a same-day correction will be issued. It is vital that this is served on the same day so that the pupil is given the opportunity to reflect on their mistake. This allows the pupil to take the necessary next steps to improve on the following day. Failure to attend the same-day correction will result in pupils completing a ‘Wave 1 reset’ on the following day where they will complete their classwork as normal. A correction will then be completed for up to one hour after school. The corrections protocol can be found in Appendix 1.

Pupils must realise that making good choices around positive learning behaviours will be rewarded whilst making poor choices will have consequences.

Our system of consequences are as follows:

A pupil will be given two reminders to help them make the correct choice for learning (A warning, followed by a move of seat).

If after that they choose not to uphold the learning standards, they will receive a same day correction after school (Remove to a buddy room)). Pupils will be informed of the correction by the class teacher. Parents/carers have access to the behaviour information allowing them to monitor their child's behaviour.

Corrections can last up to one hour. If a pupil receives more than one correction per day, then the amount of time spent in correction will increase in line with the number of corrections, see below:

1 correction = 30 minutes

2 corrections = 40 minutes

3 corrections = 45 minutes

More than 3 corrections = Wave 1 reset intervention

Failure to attend the same-day correction will result in a ‘Wave 1 Reset’ on the following day where they will complete their classwork as normal. A correction will then be completed up to one hour after school.

Reset Intervention

Reset intervention is used when a pupil, for disciplinary reasons, is required to spend a limited time out of the classroom. Pupils will continue their education in a supervised setting using pre-prepared, bespoke resources. There are waves to placements in reset:

Wave 1 | 1 day placement

Wave 2 | 2-3 day placement

Wave 3 | 4-5 day placement

Wave interventions will be dictated by the severity of the incident, this is specified in the consequence table above. There will be a parental phone call from the Year Manager or Pupil Progress Coordinator after a Wave 1 placement. There will be a parental meeting arranged following any Wave 2 or 3 reset placements.

Students begin their day in Reset at 8.30am and finish at 3.35pm. If a student's behaviour is below the expected standard in Reset they may be required to repeat a full day. Within Reset students will:

  • Complete work as set by the Reset manager
  • Not talk to other students (apart from break times and lunchtimes)
  • Eat their lunch in the Reset room
  • Use the toilet at allocated times
  • Hand in their mobile telephones

Respite placements may also be used for a maximum placement period of five days. Pupils will continue their education in a supervised setting at an offsite location. Pupils will be placed at other schools in the local authority. Parents will be informed and a reintegration meeting will take place on the day of the pupils return to their mainstream provision.

Further intervention and Support

Supporting Pupils with SEND

SEND is defined as the needs of pupils who have:

‘Significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others. A disability which prevents or hinders them from making use of facilities.’

The code of practice (2020) states that schools and leaders must maintain a culture of high expectations for all pupils, include pupils with SEND in all opportunities and use the ‘best endeavours’ to ensure a pupil with SEND receives support.

Our inclusive policy ensures all pupils have the opportunity to learn in a safe environment, rules and strategies are clear to avoid ambiguity and clarity for all stakeholders.

Pupils with identified SEND will have reasonable adjustments put in place to be agreed with the parent/carer and pupil. This will contain any ‘reasonable adjustments’ made which may include the following (not an exhaustive list):

  • Time out – there will be a designated area for each ‘group’ where the pupil can have an agreed amount of minutes as ‘time-out’ if required.
  • Uniform
  • Fidget toys
  • Pupil passports
  • Teaching assistant support
  • Routines
  • Provision at unstructured times
  • Specific seating position within the classroom.
  • Ensure the pupils' support plan is part of the established routines in every one of their lessons.
  • Nudge texts to remind pupils about expectations of equipment and standards
  • Every teacher will be aware of the EEF’s ‘five a day’ strategies to ensure pupils are supported. The following strategies will be prevalent in every member of staffs practice; explicit instruction, cognitive and metacognitive strategies, scaffolding, flexible grouping and using technology
  • EEF blog: ‘Five-a-day’ to improve SEND outcomes | EEF (
  • Any reasonable adjustments will be shared with staff.

Building relationships with all pupils, including pupils with SEND is paramount. The EEF guide, ‘improving Behaviour in Schools’, has a section dedicated to just doing this.

‘Teachers with positive attitudes towards the inclusion of children with SEND had better quality interactions with pupils.’ Education Endowment Fund.

Where necessary, support and advice will also be sought from specialist teachers, an educational psychologist, medical practitioners and/or others, to identify or support specific needs.

Support following behaviour incidents

Following behaviour incidents, pupils will be provided with bespoke support and guidance and this may include:

  • Subject teacher/tutor/year manager/headteacher report
  • Referral to the SENCO
  • Daily check-ins
  • Parent/carer meetings
  • Referral to the Personalised Learning Centre (PLC)

Where a pupils’ behaviour persistently falls below the Academies expectations, further investigation will take place, taking into consideration any Special Educational Needs and Disabilities and also any safeguarding concerns.

Child on Child Abuse

Co-op Academy Swinton is committed to ensuring a climate of safety for all pupils by challenging inappropriate behaviour between peers. We have a zero tolerance approach of all forms of child on child abuse including (but not limited to):

  • Bullying (including cyberbullying, prejudice-based and discriminatory bullying)
  • Abuse in intimate personal relationships between peers
  • Physical abuse such as hitting, kicking, shaking, biting, hair pulling, or otherwise causing physical harm (this may include an online element which facilitates, threatens and / or encourages physical abuse)
  • Sexual violence, such as rape, assault by penetration and sexual assault (this may include an online element which facilitates, threatens and / or encourages physical abuse)
  • Sexual harassment, such as sexual comments, remarks, jokes and online sexual harassment, which may be standalone or part of a broader pattern of abuse
  • Causing someone to engage in sexual activity without consent, such as forcing someone to strip, touch themselves sexually, or to engage in sexual activity with a third party
  • Consensual and non-consensual sharing of nudes and semi nude images and / or videos (also known as sexting or youth produced sexual imagery)
  • Upskirting, which typically involves taking a picture under a person’s clothing without their permission, with the intention of viewing their genitals or buttocks to obtain sexual gratification, or cause the victim humiliation, distress or alarm
  • Initiation / hazing type violence and rituals (this could include activities involving harassment, abuse or humiliation used as a way of initiating a person into a group and may also include an online element

Where there are any reports of child on child abuse, including sexual violence and sexual harassment,  we will follow the guidance set out in Part 5 of Keeping Children Safe in Education 2022. The Academy maintains a zero tolerance approach to all forms of child on child abuse and always maintain the attitude ‘it could happen here’. We will always take any reports or disclosures seriously. Any sanctions for child on child abuse will be proportionate, considered, supportive and will be decided on a case by case basis. Sanctions could include managing the incident internally, referring to early help, referring to children’s social care or reporting the incident to the police. Serious incidents could result in permanent exclusion. The Academy will not tolerate behaviour of this nature, whilst also not demonising anyone – we will support and listen to all of the pupils involved. The alleged perpetrator(s) will be offered support so that they can change their behaviour.

For more information on how we deal with child on child abuse please see:

  • Co-op Academy Swinton Anti Bullying Policy
  • Co-op Academy Swinton Child Protection Policy
  • Keeping Children Safe in Education 2024


The aim of Co-op Academy Swinton is to be positive in the approach to behaviour management. There are instances however where it is not possible to deal with an issue through employing one or more of the strategies outlined in our policy due to the seriousness or nature of the matter. In such circumstances there may be no alternative but to suspend a pupil from the Academy. If a pupil is involved in extreme poor behaviour, the pupil will be excluded from lessons / school. Each Suspension must be judged on the specific context of the particular event - thus the length of the suspension will reflect this. Suspensions can be considered for behaviour outside of school. The decision to suspend a pupil is taken by the Senior Leadership team and is always carefully considered. Where there is not definitive evidence, the Senior Leadership Team may consider ‘the balance of probability’. When a pupil is suspended they will be expected to work at home with work provided by the school. When making exclusions, the school will follow the local, national and trust guidelines.

Types of behaviour for which a suspension from the academy is likely include:

  • Bullying
  • Fighting
  • Persistent disruptive behaviour
  • Truancy
  • Swearing at a member of staff
  • Vaping

An extensive list of behaviours can be seen below.

When a pupil has been issued a suspension, parents/carers will be provided with the following information:

  • Incident leading to the suspension
  • Length of the suspension
  • Date of return
  • Date of reintegration meeting (to be conducted on the school premises in the presence of a member of SLT, the pupil and the parent/carer )

The pastoral team will be responsible for informing the parents/carers of the suspension via a telephone call. Parents/carers will also receive written confirmation of the suspension.

When a pupil is issued a suspension they will be provided with classwork for the duration of the suspension via Google Classroom.

Permanent Exclusions

Permanent exclusion is a last resort. A Headteacher may decide to permanently exclude a student for persistent disruptive behaviour, where despite the school's best effort, a student insists on breaching the school's behaviour policy. A permanent exclusion could also be the consequence for a first 'one off' offence, based on the severity of the behaviour. One off offences may include:

  • Serious actual or threatened violence against another student or member of staff (including online threats or abuse)
  • Assault on a student or member of staff
  • Sexual abuse or assault
  • Supplying or using an illegal drug
  • Carrying an offensive weapon (including any article made or adapted for causing injury)
  • Serious one off incidents including ‘Hate’ incidents / crime or bullying
  • Serious concerns for the safety of all within the Academy if the student remains with us

 Further information on permanent exclusions can be found in the Trust’s Exclusion policy.

Searching, Screening and Confiscation

The school has a statutory power to search pupils and possessions if there are reasonable grounds to suspect pupils have prohibited items. Searches may also be carried out by members of staff, authorised by the Senior Leadership Team. All authorised staff will be up to date with screening and searching procedures as laid out in government guidance.  When conducting searches, staff will consider the age and ability of students and make reasonable adjustments where necessary. Where possible searches will be conducted with the student present and away from other students  (unless there is reason to believe that significant harm could happen if we wait).

The school can search a student for any item with their consent and in their presence (e.g. turning out pockets / looking in bags). Staff have the power to search (without consent) if they have reason to believe a student possesses any of the following items:

  • knives and weapons
  • alcohol
  • illegal drugs
  • stolen items
  • tobacco and cigarette papers
  • cigarettes
  • E-cigarettes / vapes
  • lighters and matches
  • fireworks
  • pornographic images
  • any article that has been or is likely to be used to commit an offence , cause personal injury or damage to property

Wherever possible, searches will be carried out by two authorised members of staff (staff members of the same gender as the student) and with the student present as a witness. Searches that require physical contact or use of force will always be a last resort. Where the risk is considered significant, they will be conducted by a trained member of staff of the same sex as the pupil, or, if possible, and preferably, by a family member. If this is not possible (due to urgency of the situation) searches will be conducted by a permanent member of staff, with the appropriate training, of the same sex and an appropriate adult (of the same sex). In all cases, only outer clothing will be searched (pockets, bags, shoes etc). No member of the school community will conduct a search that reveals a student’s underwear or skin (beyond shirt sleeves).

Staff will confiscate and retain a student’s property if it is a banned item or any item being used to cause harm to self or others, damage to property, or disruption to the maintaining of a purposeful learning environment. For any confiscated item that is not deemed to be dangerous or potentially / known to be illegal, the confiscating staff member is required to make a proportionate and fair decision about what happens next with the item, for example:

  • returning the item to the student at the end of that lesson
  • returning the item to the student at the end of that day
  • escalating the issue to a member of the year team / senior leadership team
  • discussing with the student’s family about how best to return or dispose of the item

Retention of, damage to or disposal of a student’s personal property should not be used as a sanction and confiscation, including how the confiscation is followed up, should only be used to ensure the maintenance of a safe and purposeful learning environment.


  • If a student refuses to be screened, the school may refuse to have the student on the premises. Health and safety legislation requires a school to be managed in a way which does not expose students or staff to risks to their health and safety and this would include making reasonable rules as a condition of admittance.
  • If a student fails to comply, and the school does not let the student in, the student’s absence will be treated as unauthorised. The student should comply with the rules and attend.

Physical Restraint

The academy will follow the Department of Education advice ‘Use of Reasonable Force - advice for school leaders, staff and governing bodies’:

DfE advice template (

All academy staff have the power to use reasonable force to prevent pupils committing an offence, injuring themselves or others or damaging property, and to maintain good order and discipline in the classroom. Headteachers and authorised school staff may also use such force as is reasonable given the circumstances when conducting a search without consent for knives or weapons, alcohol, illegal drugs, stolen items, tobacco and cigarette papers, fireworks, pornographic images or articles that have been or could be used to commit an offence or cause harm.

The academy follows all DfE guidance for searching, screening and confiscation which can be found here:

Searching, Screening and Confiscation - Advice for Schools

Further information on Positive Handling can be found in the Co-op Academy Swinton Positive Handling policy:

Positive Handling Policy Swinton

In some circumstances, staff may use reasonable force to restrain a pupil to prevent them:

  • Causing disorder
  • Hurting themselves or others
  • Damaging property

Incidents of physical restraint must:

  • Always be used as a last resort
  • Be applied using the minimum amount of force and for the minimum amount of time possible
  • Be used in a way that maintains the safety and dignity of all concerned Never be used as a form of punishment
  • Be recorded and reported to parents

Appendix 1 | Corrections Protocol

All staff

Student issued with a correction for behaviour e.g.

  1. Removal from classroom (repeated behaviour that fails to meet the standards of the school)
  2. Lack of homework / independent learning
  3. Lack of equipment
  4. Late to school / Not on time
  5. Use of a mobile phone
  6. Repeated failure to bring PE kit


All members of staff

Class teacher records incident on Arbor  

Student/s personally informed by the class teacher that they are to attend an after school correction on the same day

Year Managers

Year managers to access corrections list from Arbor  at 2.30-2.45pm

Behaviour managers to visit classrooms from 2.50pm to remind students and class teachers of correction

Behaviour managers may collect those students who are more likely to be non attenders (escorting to Reset)

                              ⬇                                                            ⬇


Student attends correction from 3.05 - 3.35pm

(This period of time may be extended if the Reset is not completed to a satisfactory standard)

Student fails to attend after school correction

Year managers to complete Reset form on the same day of the missed correction

                                                                                           ⬇                                ⬇

Student fails to complete Wave 1 Reset the following day

Student complete Wave 1 Reset the following day


Student issued with a FTE

Appendix 2 | Legislation and Statutory Requirements

This policy is based on advice from the Department for Education (DFE) on:

Behaviour and Discipline in schools:

Behaviour in schools guidance (

Searching, screening and confiscation:

Searching, Screening and Confiscation (

Equality Act 2010 and schools:

Equality_Act_Advice_Final.pdf (

The use of reasonable force in schools:

DfE advice template ( 

Supporting pupil at school with medical conditions:

Supporting pupils at school with medical conditions ( 

Appendix 3 | Behaviour and Classroom Routines

Behaviour Policy July 2024