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News and Letters

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  • Safeguarding, Mental Health and Well-being Bulletin | June 2022

    Published 01/07/22

    We are pleased to share with you the second edition of our Safeguarding, Mental health and Well-being Bulletin for June 2022.

    At Co-op Academy Swinton we firmly believe that safeguarding, mental health and well-being is more than ever a collective responsibility between the academy, students, parents and carers. In that spirit, we will be sharing a range of safeguarding, mental health and well-being information, assistance and updates with you monthly from now on.

    We appreciate that some of the content may be sensitive and at times may not be pleasant, however our children are facing more issues of an increasingly serious nature by the day and we firmly believe that the more that we, collectively as educationalists and parents and carers, know and understand, the better we can protect those in our care.

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  • North West Manchester Science and Technology Challenge Day

    Published 15/06/22

    Earlier this week our Science faculty set off with a group of our Year 9 students to attend the North West Manchester Science and Technology Challenge Day at the University of Bolton.

    Working together in teams of three, they undertook activities that gave them an insight into some Science and Technology focuses that they could study at University. Points were awarded for their planning, problem solving and teamwork skills.

    The E-fit Challenge
    Having witnessed a simulated crime, each team used the latest E-FIT 6 facial recognition software (as used by 90% of UK police forces) to create a computer image of the thief. They also considered problems associated with memory and facial recognition.

    The Robotics Challenge
    Each team was provided with a Lego Mindstorm EV3 robot, which they programmed in order to navigate around a course. Each robot was equipped with ultrasonic and infrared sensors. The robots were programmed to stop and turn at a black line, make a chosen sound at a yellow or red line.

    The Medical Diagnostics Challenge
    Each team undertook the role of a doctor, diagnosing conditions suffered by simulated patients. They tested ‘urine’ samples, evaluated brain function, examined X-rays and brain scans. They considered how the brain works, seeing equipment operated directly by the brain.

    All of our students were fully engaged in the sessions and asked some good inquisitive questions. The day finished with a Q&A session about studying science subjects at university and the all important moment when the winners were announced!

    We are thrilled to announce that The ‘A Team’ (Elizabeth, Jessica and Dylan) won the Robotics Challenge and they were presented with a plaque by the Mayor of Bolton, Councillor Akhtar Zaman.

    Excellent effort and achievement guys!

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  • Platinum Ticket students tour Old Trafford

    Published 13/06/22

    As a reward for receiving Platinum Tickets during last term, seven of our winning students were selected to attend a Stadium Tour at Old Trafford, home of Manchester United…even better they got to bring a friend too!

    Our lucky students were given ‘access all areas’ to the changing room and dug outs whilst also experiencing that memorable moment of walking out of the players tunnel, all thanks to our partnership with Manchester United Foundation.

    Take a look at their exciting visit…

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  • Year 9 Virtual Work Experience

    Published 13/06/22

    Our sponsor, the Co-op, believes it is vital that students don’t miss out on work-based learning opportunities and that’s why they have developed a ‘Virtual Work Experience Programme’. The Programme will give Year 9 students the chance to gain an invaluable overview of the different sectors not only within the Co-op, but also with some of their suppliers. The programme will give lots of insight into the work the Co-op do, their culture and people along with providing students with some learning opportunities to enhance their key employability skills.

    Throughout the programme there will be interactive workshops from:

    • Food stores
    • Legal
    • Funeralcare
    • Food Logistics and Supply Chain
    • Community & Shared Value
    • Technology and Data
    • Food Manufacturing and Buying
    • Finance
    • Property and Estates
    • Media and TV
    • Marketing
    • Job Application

    The programme will be held the week commencing Monday 27 June and professionally hosted and facilitated by Springpod who will bring the programme to life, ensure students have an interactive experience and students joining the programme will have the opportunity to:
    Listen – Gain insights from leaders of big brands and retailers
    Engage – Ask questions and find out how to get ahead in their career
    Gain – Skills and experience to add to their CV
    Expand – Their network by interacting with industry professionals

    The Co-op Academy Virtual Work Experience programme is exclusive to Co-op Academy students only who will receive their sign in details via their academy email on Thursday 16 June. Please encourage your child to sign up and be part of this exclusive experience.

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  • We’re launching our ‘Uniform Exchange Shop’

    Published 13/06/22

    To help with the soaring cost of living and rising costs of school uniform we are delighted to be launching our very own onsite Uniform Exchange Shop this term!

    In a 2020 report carried out by The Children’s Society, families with children at secondary school are paying an average of more than £300 per child, per year in school uniform costs. We are committed to helping our students and their families in whatever way we can and we are confident this new programme will proves successful. We are here to remove any barriers to learning our students may have – ensuring they have the right uniform and equipment is a small step in the right direction.

    It’s not just about saving money and easing the financial strain for our families though. We are passionate about sustainability and the impact on the environment that disposing of unwanted inform items has. We’re taking action to help our community be greener, preventing clothing waste that would otherwise end up in landfill.

    How we can help you:

    Our Uniform Exchange Shop will be open to any child from any Year Group and will stock high-quality items from ties and shirts to blazers and PE kits. You’ll be able to exchange items or just ask for any items of uniform that you may need. Our shop will first launch on GCSE Results Day, Thursday 25 August 2022 and will also be open in school on the following days:

    Summer Transition Day – Friday 2 September 2022
    Inset Day – Monday 5 September 2022
    Inset Day – Tuesday 6 September 2022

    How can you help us?

    To help us with our mission to recycle and reuse we’re kindly asking all our parents/carers to consider donating any unwanted, new or second-hand uniform items, including PE kit, in good condition to us. We’re incredibly proud of our caring and generous academy community and we know from previous campaigns such as our Foodbank collections that they step up to help whenever we ask. We are amazing at ‘Succeeding Together’.

    You can drop off your items at our main academy reception between 8am-4pm any weekday.

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  • Year 10 Work Experience with Electricity North West

    Published 10/06/22

    Eight of our Year 10 students have had an amazing opportunity this week to complete Work Experience with Electricity North West based in Salford.

    The students have met with a range of engineers, apprentices, technicians and trainers. They have seen first hand the huge variety of roles available in such a large organisation and learnt about how they could pursue a career in the sector. The students visited the Electricity North West Training Academy based in Blackburn and were able to try some of the equipment. They also visited Salford University to see some of the research being done there on sources of energy.

    We would like to offer a huge thank you to Cheryl and Linda from Electricity Northwest who worked with the students during their work experience and designed such a great programme for them.

    The students: Jenson, Logan, Brandon, Harvey, Loui, Brett, Harley and Jake were a credit to our academy and said that they were really enjoying the experience. Many of them are now viewing engineering as a career that they wish to follow in the future.

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  • Safeguarding, Mental Health and Well-being Bulletin

    Published 24/05/22

    Welcome to this, our very first Safeguarding, Mental health and Well-being Bulletin for May 2022.

    At Co-op Academy Swinton we firmly believe that safeguarding, mental health and well-being is more than ever a collective responsibility between the academy, students, parents and carers. In that spirit, we will be sharing a range of safeguarding, mental health and well-being information, assistance and updates with you monthly from now on.

    We appreciate that some of the content may be sensitive and at times may not be pleasant, however our children are facing more issues of an increasingly serious nature by the day and we firmly believe that the more that we, collectively as educationalists and parents and carers, know and understand, the better we can protect those in our care.

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  • Hidden jobs in Animal Care

    Published 18/05/22

    During May, a cohort of our Year 10 students were invited to attend The Manchester College campus in Northenden to take part in a ‘Hidden jobs in Animal Care’ Event. Students were split into groups and were able to gain an insight into the animal care profession as well as meet some incredibly cute animals!

    On the day the students attended workshops delivered by Lower Moss Wood Wildlife HospitalMediVetPets at Home along with sessions from the team at The Manchester College too.

    The vast array of career opportunities we had an insight into ranged from dog grooming and day-to-day pet maintenance to Veterinary services and Falconry.

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  • Inspiring Girls Event

    Published 18/05/22

    Last week a small group of our female Year 10 students attended an ‘Inspiring Girls Day’ at The Cliff training ground in Broughton.

    The trip was organised as part of our partnership with Manchester United Foundation and its’ aim to increase female empowerment and employability aspirations.

    During the morning our students enjoyed an inspiring and motivational talk from Polar Preet, a British Army Medical Officer and physiotherapist. Preet had recently completed an astounding 40 day hiking expedition, becoming the first woman of colour to complete a solo expedition in Antarctica.

    The girls then swiftly moved on to carry out some physical activities facilitated by the British Army. These included; working as a team to complete a tyre stack challenge, arranging them in the correct order and also working in smaller groups to construct a Go Kart using kit provided by the Army.

    Our day was rounded off by presentations from The Manchester College who spoke with our students about the many varied opportunities on offer in college and the typical education pathways that lead to employment.

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  • Mental Health Awareness Week 2022

    Published 09/05/22

    Today marks the start of #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek and this year’s theme is loneliness.

    During form time learning this week we’ll be raising awareness of the impact of loneliness on our mental wellbeing and the practical steps we can take to address it. We’re supporting our students and encouraging them to speak open and honestly with friends, family members and trusted members of staff.

    Dealing with loneliness can be difficult. But there are things we can all do to cope with loneliness and prevent some of the negative feelings and mental health problems that can come with it. Together we can tackle loneliness. No one ever needs to feel alone, there is always someone to talk to.

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  • Skills training with North West Military Regiment

    Published 29/04/22

    What a day for some of our students in Years 7 and 8 as they took up the challenge of practical training sessions with the North West Military Regiment of the British Army earlier this week.

    Each of the challenges were designed to build our students’ individual skills and they were certainly put through their paces, as the images below clearly show!

    Everyone was thoroughly involved and pushed themselves to their limits. What a great effort from everyone, we hope you enjoyed the challenges.

    Thank you to North West Military Regiment for joining us this week and for delivering such exciting and challenging sessions.


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  • No More Knives Tour

    Published 21/04/22

    We were pleased to welcome into school yesterday the ‘No More Knives’ tour from The Message Trust, in partnership with Greater Manchester Police, for a day of scheduled sessions with all our students in Years 7-10 as part of the Co-op Academies Trust ‘Protective Curriculum’.

    The performances combined live music from the amazing Rap/Afropop band ‘OTC‘ with powerful, real-life stories and presentations about the devastating impact knife crime can have on everyday people.

    The tour and its lessons aim to equip young people with the skills and knowledge they need to say no to knives and help them discover their full value and identity.

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