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News and Letters

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  • Bronze Expedition for our students completing their DofE

    Published 01/12/21

    We are thrilled to share the story so far of our students who are currently undertaking their Duke of Edinburgh Award with Scorpio Community Development CIC.

    A fantastic group set off on day one, unsure if they could complete the expedition. The same group successfully completed the expedition on day two with more confidence in their own ability, and definitely much more fatigued.

    The team completed all elements of the expedition and successfully met the criteria of the expedition phase. Putting them with striking distance of the complete award.

    As a team and as individuals I hope they draw on their experience as they move through life. Remember the day when you thought you couldn’t, but instead discovered you can.

    Scorpio Community Development CIC will return with another group of participants as they undertake our unique DofE Launchpad system

    Phil Bainbridge, Managing Director

    You can find more about Scorpio Community Development CIC on Facebook:

    Well done everyone!

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  • Community Litter Picking, November 2021​​​​​​​

    Published 01/12/21

    Litter continues to be a big issue nationally, with councils spending almost £1 billion of taxpayers’ money cleaning up our streets. This money could be better spent elsewhere if we each did what we can to help.

    As part of our academy’s commitment to tackling the litter issues in our local community, we organised a series of litter picks throughout November.

    Students volunteered to give up part of their lunch break once a week, to collect litter in the streets surrounding the academy site and we filled more than 30 bags from just four sessions!

    Members of the community stopped to show their support and appreciation for the effort our students were making to clean up the area, with some residents commenting that we’d saved them a job for the weekend!

    Litter picking is a great way to get some exercise, meet new people and show we care for the areas we live in. Why not get involved and clean up your own area? For help and advice see: or

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  • Jayden becomes ballboy for Manchester United

    Published 30/11/21

    We are thrilled to congratulate Year 11 student Jayden Holland who has passed his induction period at Manchester United to become a regular ballboy at their home games in the Premier League and Champions League.

    This is a really exciting opportunity for Jayden and we are proud of his hard work.

    Our thanks also go to Manchester United Foundation Hub Officer, Mr Baksh-Jones for mentoring Jayden and providing many great opportunities for all our students.

    Keep an eye out for him on TV when you are watching the “greatest football team in the world!” (Mr Fletcher’s words only!!!)

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  • Stadium Tour Treat for 8EBR​​​​​​​

    Published 30/11/21

    Our students in form 8EBR enjoyed a trip around Manchester United’s home ground of Old Trafford last week.

    Their stadium tour was a whole class reward as they were the form who had collected the most donations for Salford Foodbank during our Harvest collection drive back in October.

    Everyone had a great time and two of our students have written a review of their experience;

    I really enjoyed our tour at Old Trafford and it was really nice to spend time together as a form. I really enjoyed getting to see where the players get changes before their matches, where they play and where the interviews take place after matches and I loved getting to sit down where the players and coaches sit during a match. We learned so many interesting facts about Old Trafford and the history of previous players. We found out where the tunnel was before they built the new one. I loved acting out the two teams when they walk out onto the pitch and they hear as they come out. This was a great opportunity and we all really enjoyed ourselves.

    Lucy Pennington, 8EBR

    When we went to Old Trafford on the tour it was an amazing experience and it was fun with my friends to see the inside of such a brilliant football club. I also liked it when we went through the players tunnel because we got to experience the real atmosphere of a live game and what it would feel like to be a real footballer with thousands of fans coming to watch you. Overall it was an amazing experience and I am glad that we went on that trip.

    Oliver Nangle, 8EBR
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  • Reverse Advent Calendar – Salford Foodbank Collection

    Published 26/11/21

    Christmas should be a time for joy and celebration – but for too many people it’s becoming increasingly difficult, with more people than ever accessing foodbanks.

    We’d like to continue to support Salford Foodbank by inviting students, staff and members of our community to donate items for the foodbank from now up until Friday 17 December.

    Perhaps you would like to consider a donation instead of sending your usual Christmas cards, encouraging family and friends to do the same. Or, you could ask colleagues to swap the office ‘Secret Santa’ for a different kind of gifting this year.

    We are mindful that there may be families from our own academy community who need support. If you’d like more information about accessing help from Salford Foodbank please speak to a member of staff or follow this link:

    Thank you for your support.

    Yours faithfully
    Gemma Davies
    Head’s PA & Co-operative Co-ordinator

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  • Ceramics Club fun

    Published 25/11/21

    Our lunchtime Ceramics Club is going from strength to strength, with growing numbers each week.

    If you’re in Year 7, 8 or 9 why not join Miss Henderson every Monday after school from 2:55pm-3:40pm for some ceramic creations and messy making!

    Take a look at our gallery of images below…

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  • BTEC Performing Arts Student Showcase​​​​​​​

    Published 25/11/21

    Earlier this week we invited the parents/carers of our Year 10 and Year 11 Performing Arts students to join us for a show-stopping performance of their child’s work.

    The students have been working very hard in lessons on their ‘Practitioners Performances’ of Dance, Drama and Musical Theatre work and this was the perfect opportunity for them to share their talents with a wider audience.

    We’d like to say a huge thank you to all the families who gave up their time to join us and for your continued support. We’re sure you will agree that it was a fantastic afternoon.

    All the students gave 110% and we are extremely proud of them. Our Performing Arts students will now be focusing on all the theory work to make sure students they achieve their goals.

    Well done everyone, what amazing talents!

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  • Co-op Academies Trust – Your Voice Survey

    Published 18/11/21

    Dear Parents and Carers,

    Every year, Co-op Academies Trust carries out an annual survey in all our academies and colleges. We survey all parents, students and staff, after which we review the results and put together action plans to make improvements where needed and do more of the things you tell us are going well. It is a hugely valuable experience and only works if everyone has their say.

    This survey is entirely anonymous. Individuals cannot be identified and no attempt will be made to do so – the aim of the questions is to get an overall opinion and to see where we can do better. You do not have to answer all the questions, you are able to leave some blank if you prefer but we ask you to be honest and complete these in order for us to fully understand the wider picture.

    You only need to complete the survey once and it closes on Monday 29 November 2021.

    You can access the survey by using this link (click on it or type it into an address bar):

    (case sensitive if typing manually)

    Thank you for helping us to make the change and continue to provide an excellent education for your children.

    Chris Tomlinson – Chief Executive Officer

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  • An evening with Zurich, online event for Years 9-11

    Published 12/11/21

    Young Professionals have contacted our school to share the incredible opportunity for students in Years 9, 10 and 11 who might be considering a career in the financial services industry. 

    Zurich is one of the world’s largest insurance companies with around $40billion in revenue, operating on both a local and global scale, delivering financial services and insurance products to more than 170 countries. Zurich is a truly fantastic company to get involved with as they also offer some of the most sought after school leaver opportunities and work experience schemes. 

    So, does this sound interesting? If so, more of the event details are below with a link for you to book your place: 

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  • Cricketing superstars in our midst!

    Published 09/11/21

    We are so proud as an academy to share the sporting success of two of our students in the world of cricket.

    Year 11 student, Aide Hussain and his younger brother Haydier, Year 10, both play cricket for Lancashire with Aide being the captain of the under-16 team. Last year Aide toured in Pakistan and over the summer this year he travelled with his team to Mumbai to compete in a tournament. 

    Both brothers love their cricket so much that they train every night after school. Aide trains for one session to work on his bowling and then goes to a further training session to work on his batting skills. His ambition is to play for England.

    We wish both boys all the very best in their sporting careers and can’t wait to see how far they soar!

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  • Salford Foundation promote the ‘World of Work’ to Year 8 and Year 11

    Published 09/11/21

    Over the last two weeks we’ve welcomed professionals from Salford Foundation to our academy, promoting the importance of the ‘World of Work’ and the opportunities available to our students.

    Last Monday all of Year 8 students attended sessions on a variety of different sectors in the world of work and were able to ask questions of the experts about their different occupations and how to access that profession. The team from Salford Foundation were also joined by professionals from BCEGI and TEP The Environment Partnership.

    This week every student in Year 11 was given the opportunity of a 1-1 mock interview to practise their interview skills for college, apprenticeship or work. The students found this opportunity very worthwhile and all felt more confident in how to present themselves in the real interviews that they will all be facing later in the year. With thanks to a range of professionals from Routes HealthcareBrock McGoffThe Manchester College and Ambient Accounting Ltd there was a huge field of expertise to call on.

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  • Co-op Academies Trust response to industrial action

    Published 02/11/21


    The cooperative movement has people at its core. The Trust, and all of our academies, have that same mindset. We are collectively committed to doing that which matters most in service to our core purpose – the quality education for our 17,000 students.

    Prior to this year, the students of Co-op Academy Swinton had less learning time and less quality opportunity to learn than thousands of other students nationally so the Trust, Community Council Members and school leadership want to address that gap. It’s not fair. The changes identified are fundamentally to improve the educational experiences for all the students at Co-op Academy Swinton and that is the motive for making the improvements.

    Changes to Form Time

    It is absolutely true that we are asking our teachers to work differently in supporting our students. Form Tutors have long reported that changes were needed to form time, to move away from an unstructured time that served little purpose. Whilst we know that some teachers enjoyed that time and offered support to students, our students would be better served by having experts in student support working with them – rather than teachers who are experts in teaching.

    Changing Form Time into a dedicated session for a ‘catch-up curriculum’ and it being a time in which vital learning habits and skills are learnt is a positive use of that time. Vocabulary, assemblies, key knowledge, careers guidance, English, Maths and Science Masterclasses and Reading sessions are all included. The academy leadership listened to staff concerns about increased workload, so they planned these sessions for staff. As a result of the equipment and uniform checks in the morning, there is a huge decrease in students arriving to lessons unequipped.

    We have increased the number of pastoral support staff at the academy as the well-being of our pupils is crucial to all our academies. As just one example of this we have invested in a Trust-wide mental health programme that Co-op Academy Swinton are part of – to improve this provision in this area even further. The pastoral support is better than ever for all the students at the academy and will always be the most important priority.

    Teaching the Curriculum

    This is essential and far from being pointless tinkering – as reported by representatives of NASUWT. The changes represent a real need to bring the quality of curriculum provision up to date. There is no profession or industry that does not recognise the need to change and adapt with the times and we turn to our leaders to make those changes – teaching is no different. Teaching practices and the content taught is constantly being improved and teachers need to be on top of the changes. Teaching now is very different to 10, 20 and 30 years ago. NASUWT representatives have indeed offered some alternatives that they would prefer their members to have but these are models from years ago, outdated, and would not serve our students well despite unfounded claims.

    Staff Workload

    The changes have accounted for staff workload. Even after adding in many hours of staff well-being and ‘buffer’ time, directed hours have been calculated so that teachers at Swinton still have significantly less direct contact time than the majority of teachers nationally. We feel this is very reasonable. The fact some individuals may have had more ‘free time’ historically is not grounds for industrial action on the basis of being unreasonable. All teachers’ terms and conditions are being met, some suggest generously so.


    Throughout, the Trust has, and continues to be, firmly committed to finding an amicable way through the negotiations.

    Following a lengthy consultation period in May and June in which governors, staff, parents and students all contributed their opinion on the proposals, a series of changes were finalised. At this point, representatives of the NASUWT raised concerns about the changes and a list of concerns were presented to the Trust. All concerns were listened to from the very beginning and many were negotiated on, resulting in significant alterations to the original model, all of which were focused on individual’s concerns about their working environment. Sadly the NASUWT felt this was not enough.

    To begin with, NASUWT concerns focused on teacher workload in preparing for the September changes that meant students received a higher quality of learning experiences. Staff were supported in planning for September and administrative requirements made optional. Union representatives did not see the need so additional sessions and training events were provided as well as numerous drop-ins for those who wished to speak to leaders directly.

    Union representatives then communicated that the split lunch was a significant problem for staff and so the Trust invested over £50,000 in providing additional facilities in order to come away from split lunch arrangement and providing additional pastoral staff.

    Later, union representatives informed the Trust that the main concerns related to their annual workload amount. This was amended and additional time allocated. A series of adjustments were made to accommodate concerns.

    We now find ourselves at a point where it is reported that members wish to strike over the timing and content of form time.

    From the very beginning, the Trust leadership have committed to carrying out a review of all the changes, especially regarding the new structure to Form Time and have not only brought that review forward to satisfy the union’s demands, but sought out an independent third party to carry out a full assessment of the impact. This agreement of an independent review was made with the NASUWT in return for a short-term postponement of industrial action. The NASUWT have failed to deliver on their part of this agreement, instead promoting, encouraging, and funding their members to strike.

    It is a sad indictment of the attitude of the union’s representatives who fail to see the changes needed and offer their members poor advice as to what is reasonable. It is also disappointing that leaders within the NASUWT feel the need to make baseless accusations of threats and intimidation, how can this help in trying to resolve the trade dispute and in fact shows no commitment to resolution at all. So we call upon anyone making such claims to do so properly rather than spread rumour.

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