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News and Letters

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  • BBC Bitesize visit Swinton

    Published 21/09/23

    BBC Bitesize, Noah Valentine and Ross Fiddes visit Co-op Academy Swinton

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  • Bunzl Repaint Drama Studio

    Published 06/09/23

    Distribution specialists Bunzl volunteer to paint drama studio!

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  • Year 7 Virtual Parents Evening | Thursday 27th April 5pm- 7pm

    Published 17/05/23
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  • Our adventure in Chinatown​​​​​​​

    Published 28/04/23

    During the last week of term our GCSE Mandarin students enjoyed a trip to Manchesters’ famous Chinatown to experience the authentic Chinese culture and atmosphere.

    Accompanied by Teacher of Mandarin, Mrs Kirkham, the group had a wonderful and insightful afternoon putting into practice the Chinese language they have learnt and sampling some amazing Chinese food. The trip was organised in conjunction with our partners SWIRE Chinese Language Foundation who kindly funded part of the cost of the trip for us.

    To start, our group set off on a Treasure Hunt around the Chinese supermarkets to recognise the many Chinese characters they have learnt and then went on to carry our street interviews with members of the public to find out how they celebrated Chinese New Year and what traditional festival food they enjoyed.

    After all their hard work, our group had built up an appetite and we headed to Pinwei Chinese Restaurant for a delicious, traditional meal and Chinese tea.

    Following our lunch the students put their photography skills to the test in a competition trying to capture an image that reflected Chinese influence or East Asian cuisine.

    Our students behaved impeccably and Mrs Kirkham astounded with their confidence and knowledge when practicing the language skills they’ve developed.

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  • Year 9 take on Dragons’ Den Challenge for REACH Project

    Published 21/04/23

    Earlier this week a group of our Year 9 students enjoyed another group session as part of their our REACH Project (the careers program facilitated by Co-op Academies Trust).

    Our students took on a Dragons Den challenge with the employers from Link, the construction company that is supporting the project. The challenge they were set was to produce a new chocolate product. They had to design it, find the cost for the packaging, source production and plan how to deliver it in to stores.

    To assist their planning and research they visited a local Co-op food store to see all the different chocolate products on offer. The boys’ team performed exceptionally well and received an amazing offer from the ‘Dragons’ of £250,000 for 10% of their company. The girls pitch was excellent too and they were praised for their beautiful design and packaging.

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  • 2023 TCS Mini London Marathon World Records Attempt

    Published 21/04/23

    On Friday 28 April our whole academy will be taking part in this years’ TCS Mini London Marathon.

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  • Scholarship success for Year 11 Louie

    Published 20/04/23

    We are thrilled to share the wonderful news that Year 11 student, Louie Hudson has secured a Rugby League Scholarship at St Helens Rugby League Club. Congratulations Louie from all the staff and students at Co-op Academy Swinton! We are delighted for you and very proud!

    After hearing his amazing news, we spoke with Louie the get the story in his own words…

    “I am Louie Hudson and I am an U16s St Helens scholarship player and I play in the position of scrum half. I play for my local club called Folly Lane. Being on a scholarship means a lot to me, at first I was on trial for six weeks in September 2022 and then I was able to obtain Scholarship Status. This is something I have been dreaming of since I was little and hopefully one day I will be playing in their first team. On 23 April 2023 I will be making my debut against the London Broncos. I am looking forward to this as it will be a new challenge for me but it will also be a day I will remember forever.”

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  • Year 8 & 9 Football Tournament with Rangers Charity Foundation

    Published 19/04/23

    Just before the Easter break our Year 8/9 Boys’ Football Team put on the most impressive display at a tournament hosted by Manchester United Foundation at The Cliff training ground. Teams from Rangers Charity Foundation in Scotland also joined the tournament.

    Our team played six games in total, just missing out on the first place position but came away with their heads held high with 4 wins, 2 draws and an impressive 22 goals overall and the second place position! The boys thoroughly enjoyed the day and can’t wait to come back and play again.
    Adele Howarth-Manchester United Foundation Hub Officer, Mr Higgens-Head of PE and Mr West and our entire academy are very proud!

    Our talented team pictured here are:
    Sagaeese Yalala – 10 Goals
    Harris Sackfield – 6
    GoalsMihaail Savchev – 3 Goals
    Djacy Varela- 1 Goal
    Oliver Nangle- 1 Goal
    Ollie Bell- – 1 Goal

    Match Results:
    First Match – WIN 6-0 v Rangers 3|
    Second Match – WIN 4-0 v Rangers 2
    Third Match – WIN– 8-0 v Co-op Academy North Manchester
    Fourth Match – DRAW 1-1 v Waterhead Academy
    Fifth Match – WIN 2-0 v Loreto
    Sixth Match – DRAW 1-1 v Rangers 1

    Well done boys…we’re looking forward to the next tournament already!

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  • Summer Term Reading List 2023​​​​​​​

    Published 18/04/23

    Welcome to our third term of ‘Reading for Pleasure’. We’ve been providing our students with a recommended reading list each term since our return in September 2022 and the results have been amazing. We have seen so much engagement from the students and we’re excited to see this continue.

    So here we have it, our Summer Term Reading List, packed with wonderful suggestions to inspire our students from every Year Group.

    How can parents/carers help?

    We would encourage you to help your child to find a book to read at home. To aid you with this, each half-term we recommend a book that is available from our school library for your child to borrow. These books have been carefully selected but there are lots of other great books to choose from in our library.

    Why is reading so important?

    Reading is not just something that children should do in school, it needs to be an everyday part of our lives and something we choose to do at all ages. There are plenty of benefits for those who enjoy curling up with a book. A report carried out for The Reading Agency revealed convincing evidence that reading for pleasure can increase empathy, improve relationships with others, reduce the symptoms of depression and improve wellbeing throughout life. Research has also shown that students who read more show greater language and literacy development. The study by academics at the Institute of Education, part of the University of London, found that reading had the strongest effect on vocabulary development but the impact on maths and spelling was also significant.

    Our Summer Term Reading List

    Year 7

    Fight Back, by A.M. Dassu
    When a terrorist attack fuels hatred in her area, Aaliyah begins wearing a hijab to challenge people’s perceptions in the inspiring and engaging middle grade debut from the author of the acclaimed Boy, Everywhere…


    Year 8

    Ghost Boys, by Jewell Parker Rhodes
    It’s the last few days of her vacation in Pakistan, and Amina has loved every minute of it. The food, the shops, the time she’s spent with her family—all of it holds a special place in Amina’s heart. Now that the school year is starting again, she’s sad to leave, but also excited to share the wonders of Pakistan with her friends back in Greendale.


    Year 9

    When Life Gives You Mangoes, by Kereen Getten
    Both a wonderful evocation of a Caribbean island childhood and a gripping mystery with a jaw-dropping twist, Getten’s debut leads us into the strange story of Clara who is desperate to regain the lost memory of what happened to her during a storm the previous summer.


    Year 10

    This Poison Heart, by Kalynn Bayron
    Briseis’s control over flowers and plants wreaks dangerous consequences as she discovers long buried secrets in the garden of her rambling inherited home in this gripping, empowering fantasy from the author of Cinderella is Dead.


    Year 11

    Every Line of You, by Naomi Gibson

    This twisty, dystopian AI thriller explores love, grief and relationship power games as one girl’s lonely project becomes so much more.

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  • RISE Programme Success for Year 11

    Published 17/04/23

    We are extremely proud to be congratulating six of our Year 11 students who have successfully completed their RISE Projects and made our academy very proud! Our students now just have to sit and wait to see if their projects have been selected to make it into the top 100 global winners.

    The RISE Programme, which we have access to with our Manchester United Foundation partnership, starts at ages 15-17 and offers access to benefits that last a lifetime, including scholarships, mentorships, access to career development opportunities, funding and more. Global Winners from the Programme go on work toward solving humanity’s most pressing problems. You can read more about the Programme and previous winners here:

    Aseel Abou Hachem, Naomi Adewoyin, Joleen Diamond, Katie Lawrence, Naomi Bande and Kyra-Lei Jones were all presented with Platinum Tickets and Principal’s Award from Mrs Ali, who congratulated them on their tremendous efforts throughout the process. Well done girls, we hope to hear more good news about you soon!

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  • British Science Week Winners​​​​​​​

    Published 04/04/23

    What a successful week we had for British Science Week. With so many Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths activities and competitions it’s been a tough job deciding on our winners but the results are finally in!

    Well done everyone! BritishScienceWeek #STEM

    Congratulations to our poster competition winners for their fantastic designs:
    Georgina Knight, Molly Tilston, Brooke Shannon, Zara Gordon-Hall and Oliver Markendale

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  • #ShowYouCare Cake Sale surprises student with new bike

    Published 30/03/23

    The generosity and support of our academy community never ceases to amaze us and this week they have collectively pulled out all the stops to achieve amazing and heartwarming results.

    Earlier this week we held a Cake Sale for all our students and staff to raise funds to replace the bike of one of our Year 8 students who had sadly had their bike stolen from within our school grounds. We sent out a plea to all our students and staff for donations of cakes and we were absolutely overwhelmed with the response, so much so that the table of delicious donations in Miss Worth’s office was overflowing before we set up in the Training Room for the sale at break and lunch!

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