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News and Letters

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  • Year 11 Mock Interviews with Salford Foundation

    Published 08/12/22

    Thanks to the organisation of Salford Foundation every one of our Year 11 students has had a ‘mock interview’ with a local employer today.

    These practice interviews will be a huge help when they are preparing for their college or apprentice interviews in the near future.


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  • Powerful BHM assembly from Year 11 Senior Prefect​​​​​​​

    Published 05/12/22

    For the past two weeks we have been honoured to welcome Year 11 Senior Prefect Naomi Bande into every one of our Year Group assemblies to deliver a speech prepared by herself as part of her English coursework titled ‘There is barely any racism in the UK’.

    Black History Month ran throughout October, with this years’ theme of ‘Time for Change, Action not Words’.

    Black History Month is not just a month to celebrate the continued achievements and contributions of black people to the UK and around the world. It’s also a time for continued action to tackle racism, reclaim black history and ensure black history is represented and celebrated all year round.

    Naomi’s assembly took place later than planned due to our Mock Exams sessions but we were wowed by the maturity and powerful content of her speech. Naomi spoke passionately to our students about her personal experiences of racism and the positive steps she feels have been put in place to address inequality in our academy.

    An excellent and thought-provoking speech Naomi, well done. We are all so proud of you.

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  • Manchester United signed football auction​​​​​​​

    Published 02/12/22

    Are you an avid Manchester United fan? How amazing would it be to own a football signed by players from the current 2022/2023 first team? Well, we’ve got the opportunity for you!

    We are pleased to be auctioning a genuine, official ball, signed signed by players from the current 2022/2023 first team thanks to our partners Manchester United Foundation.

    All the monies raised from the auction will go towards our fundraising efforts to purchase kits for all of our football teams. We have secured some sponsorship already but sadly have still not reached our total. We’re hoping this auction will mean we can kit out all our teams in the new year ahead of the many tournaments we have coming up.

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  • Year 7 storming through the Salford Football Cup Tournament

    Published 01/12/22

    Massive congratulations to our Year 7 boys’ football team (again!) who have brought the bragging rights back to Co-op Academy Swinton with a 6-0 victory against Co-op Academy Walkden’s first team!

    Our whole team played amazingly with a hat-trick from Sylvester Kisula, two goals to Jake Mundy and one goal to Liam Hodges. All the boys were so pleased and proud to have won this derby with everyone, including Mr West, singing ‘Swinton are the greatest’ for the entire journey home!

    The match against Walkden was part of the Salford Football Cup Tournament and our win means we are now progressing onto the champions part of the cup. Keep en eye on our website and social media to follow their success in the coming months!

    Our talented team are: Callum Farnie, Sylvester Kisula, Liam Hodges, Oscar Smith, Amir Ahmadipour, John Preston, Callum Norris, Mason Sharp, Liam Donoghue, Leo Delaney, Noah Lees, Marcus Moyo and Matin Etehadpoor.

    Adele Howarth, Manchester United Foundation Officer couldn’t hide her pride when she found out;

    I’m so proud! The boys did us proud again! They are going to be amazing. Well done Mr Leyland and Mr West! “Swinton are magic everywhere we go…”

    Assitant Headteacher Mr Stanley said;

    This is fantastic! Well done to the team and also to our Manager, Mr Leyland and his Assistant Mr West!

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  • Year 7 Emerging Talent Tournament

    Published 25/11/22

    Earlier this week our Year 7 Boys’ Football Team took part in the Manchester United Foundation ‘Emerging Talent Tournament’ at The Cliff Training Ground. It was a tense tournament and our team competed in four matches of 18 minutes each. The team worked their socks off and were rewarded with the amazing results below.

    We are proud to announce that, at the end of the tournament, our determined and talented Year 7 team were crowned UNDEFEATED CHAMPIONS and came back to Co-op Academy Swinton with the biggest smiles on their faces!

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  • Striking for sporting success!​​​​​​​

    Published 22/11/22

    Last week a group of our students took part in the very first ten-pin bowling competition as part of a new partnership between Co-op Academies Trust and Panathlon.

    Panathlon is a national charity which gives young people with disabilities and special educational needs every year the opportunity to take part in competitive sport. This maiden Manchester competition is just the beginning for what Panathlon will provide for SEND students in our academies with more opportunities to come. Our Trust wants to offer competitive sports opportunities for everybody, particularly those who need them most. It’s about removing barriers and providing chances for children to fall in love with sport and competition.

    Along with four other Co-op Academies Trust schools, our Co-op Academy Swinton team performed fantastically well and enjoyed the experience immensely. Our students were accompanied by Assistant Headteacher, Mr Stanley, who commented:

    I came here with a certain amount of guilt at leaving staff behind, but when you’re here looking at the children’s faces, you realise this is really important and any sense of guilty disappears. From a social and wellbeing point of view, this is having a really deep impact. It will make them feel a much more significant part of our community because they are representing the academy. I really hope this is something that will grow and develop even more. 

    Congratulations to our Swinton Team who excelled themselves with their determination, enthusiasm and exceptional behaviour representing our academy. Congratulations also to Co-op Academy Failsworth who were crowned champions!

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  • Mission Christmas 2022

    Published 21/11/22

    Mission Christmas is back – and we need your help! Can you be a Secret Santa for children who are struggling across Greater Manchester this Christmas?

    We’re pleased to be supporting this year’s Mission Christmas appeal and are again registered as an official drop off point.

    Christmas for every child. That’s the mission of Cash for Kids.

    ‘Heat or Eat’ is a real choice for so many families this winter. Christmas is something they simply can’t afford and Mission Christmas wants to help Santa reach children living in poverty.

    If you’re able to, please drop off a new and unwrapped gift to our main school office. Our latest date to accept donations is Thursday 15 December 2022 and on Friday 16 December we will then deliver all the gifts to the Mission Christmas warehouse.

    Any student making a donation will be awarded Achievement Points.

    All toys/gifts should be new and unwrapped and be for ages 0-18. Here are some gift ideas…

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  • Michael selected as Youth Voice Representative!

    Published 21/11/22

    Huge congratulations to Year 11 student Michael Ball who has been selected by Manchester United Foundation‘s ‘Community Street Red’s Team’ to be their Youth Voice Representative.

    Michael will join other young people from across the Street Reds projects, taking part in a range of different events and activities alongside the usual Street Reds sessions.

    The ‘Street Reds‘ Project from Manchester United Foundation offers free football sessions and alternative activities for young people aged 8-18, with the opportunity to learn new skills and gain qualifications in a supportive and positive environment.

    This appointment is all down to Michael’s hard work and continued dedication to Street Reds. Well done Michael, we are really proud!

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  • Q&A workshop with I4YPC

    Published 21/11/22

    Last Thursday our Year 10 boys took part in a Q&A workshop with Mickey Dacks, founder and CEO of Innit for Young People Charity.

    The charity believe that;

    “Through campaigning, training and education and by reaching the target audiences of young people, through the ‘Innit’ programme we can break the negative cycle of exclusion, by inspiring and encouraging young people to engage in and acquire their education”

    Our group really enjoyed the session and were very engaged listening to Mickey’s story and found the hour very beneficial with one student quoting; “I’ve really learnt a lot from Mickey in this past hour”.

    The boys, and our academy, are looking forward to working with Mickey and the charity again soon.

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  • ‘Give it a Go’ Joinery Workshop

    Published 17/11/22

    Yesterday a group of our Year 10 and 11 students attended a ‘Give it a Go’ Joinery Workshop at the Growth Company in Salford, organised through our Manchester United Foundation partnership.

    The boys had the opportunity to make their own double mortise and tenon joint, gaining skills using a wide range of tools.

    During the day the tutors at the Growth Company, guided our students through their make, teaching them step by step. They also encouraged them to have independence when making decisions about their product and which tools and methods to use.

    Our students received praised on how proactive, well behaved and engaging they were throughout the day and we couldn’t be more proud of their achievements.

    Manchester Foundation Hub Officer, Adele Howarth, stated;

    I had a really productive and enjoyable day with the boys. They learnt a lot, got stuck in and most importantly worked well as a team helping each other throughout the process of making their wooden objects. They were a credit to the academy and I will look forward to organising further trips in the future for them. Well done boys!

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  • Year 8 girls join Cyber First EmPower North West

    Published 15/11/22

    Last week a group of our Year 8 girls joined more than 500 students from across our region for ‘EmPower North West’.

    The event was organised by the National Cyber Security Centre and HOST and was a day of immersive activities to inspire their interest in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) careers.

    From Artificial Intelligence and cyber security to data science and robotics our students enjoyed a packed schedule of speeches from industry experts, world-leading tech companies and inspirational women from STEM industries.

    Our group enjoyed the sessions so much. They were a credit to our academy with their enthusiasm and impeccable behaviour.

    Here’s what some of our girls had to say after the event;

    My favourite part of the event was getting to have a go at all the activities. I enjoyed learning about different careers and all the pros and cons of using the internet. I found it helpful to speak to different people about different jobs involving computer science. I am very thankful for this opportunity…and all the free stuff we received!


    I had a great time at the Cyber First event. I learnt all about computing and solving cases involving hacking. My favourite activity was where we had to solve different passwords and codes which revealed clues to figure out who had hacked different languages.


    I had an amazing time and had lots of souvenirs to take home with me and remember the great experience I had. I learnt something new and very interesting.


    It was an amazing and beneficial learning experience. It was very interactive and the time I spent helped be broaden my knowledge and learn more about STEM industries and organisations.


    I enjoyed the morse code activity the most and it has made me start to think that a career in this field may be something I want todo when I am older.

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  • Access Creative College Open Day

    Published 09/11/22

    Are you in Year 10 or 11 and interested in courses in the Creative Industry? Take a look at Access Creative College‘s Open Day set to take place on 26 November 2022.

    They are holding their final Open Day of 2022 on Saturday 26 November from 10am.

    The day is perfect for any students interested in finding out more about Creative College courses or jobs within the Creative Industries. It is a good opportunity to view both of their Manchester campuses, and to talk to Course Leaders about the different courses that they are running.

    Courses on offer are:

    • Music Performance
    • Vocal Artist
    • Artist Development
    • Music Tech
    • Access to HE Music Production 
    • Event Production
    • Games Development
    • Games Art
    • Games Tech
    • Videography, Photography and Design
    • Film, Videography and Photography
    • Graphic and Digital Design
    • T-Level Software Development

    The following year they will be introducing courses in:

    • Animation and VFX
    • Esports Management
    • Computing

    Find out more and book your place here:

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