RISE Programme Success for Year 11

We are extremely proud to be congratulating six of our Year 11 students who have successfully completed their RISE Projects and made our academy very proud! Our students now just have to sit and wait to see if their projects have been selected to make it into the top 100 global winners.
The RISE Programme, which we have access to with our Manchester United Foundation partnership, starts at ages 15-17 and offers access to benefits that last a lifetime, including scholarships, mentorships, access to career development opportunities, funding and more. Global Winners from the Programme go on work toward solving humanity’s most pressing problems. You can read more about the Programme and previous winners here: https://www.risefortheworld.org/
Aseel Abou Hachem, Naomi Adewoyin, Joleen Diamond, Katie Lawrence, Naomi Bande and Kyra-Lei Jones were all presented with Platinum Tickets and Principal’s Award from Mrs Ali, who congratulated them on their tremendous efforts throughout the process. Well done girls, we hope to hear more good news about you soon!