#ShowYouCare Cake Sale surprises student with new bike

The generosity and support of our academy community never ceases to amaze us and this week they have collectively pulled out all the stops to achieve amazing and heartwarming results.
Earlier this week we held a Cake Sale for all our students and staff to raise funds to replace the bike of one of our Year 8 students who had sadly had their bike stolen from within our school grounds. We sent out a plea to all our students and staff for donations of cakes and we were absolutely overwhelmed with the response, so much so that the table of delicious donations in Miss Worth’s office was overflowing before we set up in the Training Room for the sale at break and lunch!
The sale was a resounding success and students and staff flooded in to make their purchases. The grand total of money raised was a staggering £350.62 and was just what we needed for the next step of our plan, purchasing a bike for Siddig so we could surprise him with it.
Yesterday, Miss Howarth, Miss Conroy and Miss Worth presented a very shocked, happy and grateful Siddig with his new bike during the Year 8 assembly and he was totally surprised and had no idea what we’d been planning. There wasn’t a dry eye in the house as the joy from Siddig was clear to see.
Siddig and his family were overjoyed and wish to pass on their thanks to everyone for their generosity and compassion. We’d like to say a HUGE thank you too to everyone who helped in any way, whether that was with donations, help with the sale or buying some of the delicious cakes! This is just another example of our amazing academy community working together to #ShowYouCare and we couldn’t be more proud…THANK YOU!
Thank you also to Wilco Motosave in Swinton who we purchased the fab new bike from.