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Year 10 Students Spark Enthusiasm at Growth Company's Electrician Trade Career Day in Manchester

Growth Company- Electrician Trade Career Day       

This week some of our year 10 pupils who expressed interest in the electrician trade, took part in a ‘give it ago careers day’ at the Growth Company in Manchester. Pupils were given an insight into some facts of the electrical trade and were giving some individual practical tasks as well. The one that proved most popular was learning how to wire a plug socket. Miss Howarth our Manchester United Foundation officer set them a challenge of who could complete the wiring correctly first but also to survive what the tutor named ‘the pull test’. This fun test wasn’t easy and all pupils gave it a fantastic effort but Bailey Millington ended up being the group winner and received some golden tickets as a reward.


“All pupils had a brilliant day, I think they were quite shocked as to how technical the trade can be. Seeing some them complete the plug wiring was my favourite part as some really struggled to start off with but they soon got the hang of it. – Miss Howarth, Manchester United Foundation Officer.


*All ties were taken off for pupils health and safety in the workshop