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Primary Transition 2025

We hope this page provides you with all the information you will need ahead of the start of our new academic year in September 2025.

If there is anything we can help you with along the way before then, please get in touch with our Year 7 team at: or call us on: 0161 794 6215.

Although an exciting challenge, we recognise it will be a daunting experience for some students. We fully understand the needs of our new students and will do everything we can to ensure that this transition is both smooth and relaxed.

Much of our communication with you ahead of September will be online so please check your emails regularly for any correspondence from us. Please also keep an eye on our website and social media channels Facebook and Twitter too for updates. We look forward to welcoming you and your child soon!

Important next steps : Admissions Data Collection Form

Once you have received a formal offer from Salford Local Authority for a place at Co-op Academy Swinton you must complete our Admissions Data Collection Form 2025 (see button link below and right) and return it to us no later than Friday 30 May 2025. The online link to this form is below.

Please view our Privacy Policy for details on how we use and store your data.

Key Dates

May 19 In-School Visits:
From week commencing Monday 19 May 2025, our Co-op Academy Swinton Primary Transition Team will begin to visit the children in their primary school settings, speaking to all Year 6 students
May 30 Deadline for completing online forms:
By Friday 30 May 2025 you must have completed and submitted the following online forms:
Admissions Data Collection Form 2025
June 19

Primary Intake Parents' Evening:                    Primary Intake Parent's Evening will take place here at Co-op Academy Swinton between 5:00 - 6:00pm (doors open at 4:50pm). Further details to follow. 

June 26

June 27


Primary Intake Days:
Two fun days for the children, spent with us here on Thursday 26 and Friday 27 June 2025.

During the two days children follow a typical timetable to give them an insight to our academy routine and what a typical day looks like. They’ll have the opportunity to look around the school and learn all about our Co-op values, procedures and expectations and take part in a culinary challenge.

Please arrive at the academy by 8:20am on both days. All children will stay on the premises during lunchtime. Please ensure they have money for food and drink. Children who receive free school meals will receive their entitlement as normal. Travel for your child to and from Co-op Academy Swinton must be organised by parents/carers.

Although our activities are planned to start at 8:30am we would love your child to join us for a welcome breakfast at 8am to kick start their day.

Time: 8:30am-2:45pm (On Thursday 27 June your child must wear their full primary school uniform and on Friday 28 June your child must wear their primary school PE kit)

June 30 Nurture Taster Sessions:
From week commencing Monday 30 June, these sessions are arranged for specific children only, which will have been agreed between their primary school and ourselves.

Travel for your child to and from Co-op Academy Swinton will be organised with their primary school. Time: 9am-12am (Your child’s full primary school uniform must be worn)
Sept 3 First Day!
Your child’s first day at Co-op Academy Swinton is Monday 3 September 2025. Children should arrive at school for 8:20am and be wearing their full Co-op Academy Swinton uniform

Meet our Year 7 Team

Welcome to Co-op Academy Swinton, we’re really excited to meet you! We are here to support you through every aspect of school life for the next five years.

Miss Daley, Year 7 Manager

Hi, I’m Miss Daley and I am the Year 7 Manager here at Co-op Academy Swinton. My job is to work closely with primary schools to ensure a smooth transition into high school for your child. Providing pastoral support and guidance, I ensure that your child is safe, happy and valued throughout their time here. I am excited for the journey ahead and look forward to meeting you all soon!


Mrs Chambers, Assistant Vice Principal

Hello, my name is Mrs Chambers and I am an Assistant Vice Principal here at Co-op Academy Swinton. Part of my role is to work closely with primary schools and make sure that you have a smooth transition in joining our school. Leaving primary school can be both an exciting and unsettling time, but the transition team is here to help you settle into secondary school. There will be lots of new subjects to explore and friends to make along the way. We endeavour to make your transition from primary to secondary school one which is exciting, challenging and memorable. I can't wait to meet you!


2025 Summer Subject Challenges

Hello Year 7!

Closer to Summer we will be uploading a series of interesting challenges here for you to complete so keep your eyes peeled!