Key Information
We're here to help, don’t hesitate to give us a call:
Co-op Academy Swinton
📞 0161 794 6215 (8:00 - 4:00)
How can we help?
Our Address
Sefton Road
M27 6JU
Contact The Trust
0161 413 3649 (Mon-Friday, 9am-5pm)
(sales or marketing correspondence to the admin email address will be deleted)
Registered office in England:
1 Angel Square
M60 0AG
Company registration number: 07747126
Who can I speak to about my child?
In the first instance, parents/carers should contact their child’s Pupil Progress Coordinator, Year Manager or Form Tutor, they are the best placed person to speak to you about any concerns.
Year 7
Miss Daley, Year Manager:
Assistant Year Manager: TBC
Year 8
Mr Culkin Year Manager:
Mr Sultan, Assistant Year Manager:
Year 9
Mrs Fisher, Year Manager:
Miss Kousar, Assistant Year Manager:
Year 10
Miss Stevens, Year Manager:
Miss Rice, Assistant Year Manager:
Year 11
Miss Carrington, Year Manager:
Miss Cope, Head of Attainment:
Who should I call if my child is absent from school?
Parents/carers have a responsibility to contact school on their child’s first day of absence before 8:30am
Please contact us on our main academy line: 0161 794 6215 and select ‘Option 1’ for absence/attendance
Find more information on attendance here: Attendance/Absence
Who can I contact for general enquiries?
For general enquiries please contact Miss Conroy via email at:
Who is the Principal?
Our Principal is Mrs Zarina Ali.
Find out more about Mrs Ali HERE
Who is the academy's Designated Safeguarding Lead?
Our Safeguarding Team are:
- Head of Academy – Mrs Zarina Ali
- Child Protection Officer (Deputy Safeguarding Lead) – Miss Fildes
- Named ACM for LAC/Child Protection – Mr Andrew Hay
If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact our dedicated Safeguarding team on: 0161 794 6215
Who do I contact about Special Educational Needs or Looked After Children?
Mr M Dodd, Special Education Needs and Disability Co-ordinator (SENDCO)
Miss V MacGregor, Child Protection Officer and Looked After Children
For more information, please see the SEND page of our website
Who is the academy's Careers Lead?
Mrs F Fagan, Careers Lead, is our Assistant Headteacher
For more information about Careers Support, please see the Careers page of our website
Want to find out how we manage your personal information?
For details on how we manage your personal information please refer to our data protection policies and privacy notices:
If you would like to make a request for information, please contact our Data Protection Ambassador on the main school phone number.
How do I contact the Co-op Academies Trust?
Any complaint or concern should be raised via our Chair of our Academy Community Council, this is clearly outlined in our Complaints Policy.
The contact for our Academy Community Council is:
FAO Chair of ACC,
Mr Andrew Hay,
Co-op Academy Swinton,
Sefton Road,
M27 6JU
Following this, should you still wish to contact the Co-op Academies Trust, you can write to the Central Team at: X99 Co-op Academies, 8th Floor, 1 Angel Square, Manchester, M60 0AG. Please mark all envelopes with X99 to ensure it reaches the Trust.
How do I contact the Governing Body?
Our Chair of Academy Community Council is Mr Andrew Hay
To contact the ACC, please write to
FAO Chair of Academy Community Council
Mr Andrew Hay,
Co-op Academy Swinton,
Sefton Road,
M27 6JU
How do I make a complaint?
If you wish to make a complaint, you should do so in accordance with our Trust Complaints Policy
The procedure allows parents, carers or anyone else to raise a concern or complaint relating to the academy or Co-op Academies Trust.
The procedure is divided into three stages:
- Stage One (The Informal Stage) you should speak to a staff member in the academy to see if they can resolve the issue.
- Stage Two (The Formal Stage) is the point at which you should put the complaint in writing to the Headteacher or another senior member of staff. Where the complaint is against the Headteacher, you should write to the Chair of our Academy Community Council at our school address. Address the letter or email to ‘Chair of ACC'.
- Stage Three (Formal Resolution) is the final stage. It involves a hearing before a panel including governors and an independent person who will review the complaint in its entirety.
Requests for paper copies
Should you require paper copies of any of the information on this website, please contact our Marketing Manager on 0161 794 6215 or email:
Please let us know what information you require. This will be provided free of charge.
I need help with admissions.
Please click the button below.
I want to know more about your Careers Programme.
Please click the button below.
I would like more information about your Uniform?
Our Uniform Policy can be found by clicking the button below.
I'd like to know more about your Ofsted Reports?
Please click the button below for more information about our Ofsted Reports.
Where can I find your performance data?
Please click the button below for more information.
Where can I find information about your curriculum?
Please click the button below.
Where can I find your Pupil Premium Strategy and PE and Sport Premium?
All of our Pupil Premium and PE and Sport Premium information can be found by clicking the button below.
Where can I find your Behaviour Policy?
Please click the button below.
Where can I find your Charging and Remissions Policy?
Please click the button below.
Where can I find the published salary information for the Trust?
Please click the button below.
Where can I find information about the Trust's Annual Accounts?
Please find the Trust Annual Accounts below.
Where can I find information about the Trust's Annual Pay Gap Report
Please find the Pay Gap Report below.