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Mrs Fagan
Assistant Principal
I am Assistant Principal at Co-op Academy Swinton and our Raising Standards Leader. I have responsibility for ensuring that we continue to make progress and improve exam results in all areas of the curriculum both at Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4. I work with both Heads of Subject and Pupil Progress Coordinators to ensure that every child in the academy has the quality education and support in order to achieve to the best of their ability.
I have worked in four Greater Manchester inner city schools and I believe that excellent teaching and learning in school is vital in order to allow students to succeed now and in the future. As a specialist leader of education I also support other schools in Leadership, English and Literacy.
My main subject is English and I also teach some PE. I am our Senior Leadership Team link for English, MFL, Performing Arts, our library and Literacy across the curriculum. SLT Girls’ Champion is a role where I work with staff to raise the aspirations of the girls in our academy so that they aim to be the very best.