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Uniform shows that we are part of a community and by wearing it we respect our academy.

Some uniform items can be bought at shops of your choice. However, certain items (marked *) can only be bought from Whittakers Schoolwear or Debonair Schoolwear.

Please ensure your child’s name is marked clearly on every item of clothing and footwear.

Items in bold are required parts of the school uniform.


Academy Uniform

  • Academy blazer* – blue with academy logo
  • Academy jumper* – grey v-neck with academy logo
  • Shirt – light blue, plain
  • Academy tie* with specific coloured band for each Year Group (clip-on style) – available from Whittakers for new Year 7 starters.
    For September 2024, tie colours will be:
    • Year 7 - Blue
    •  Year 8 - Gold
    •  Year 9 - Silver
    •  Year 10 - Orange
    •  Year 11 - Green
  • Skirt* – Trutex navy blue, stitch-down pleat (other skirts will not be accepted)
  • Trousers – black tailored trousers only (no cord or denim)
  • Shoes – plain black with NO additional colours (suitable black, low-heeled shoe, no trainers, boots or leisure shoes)
  • Tights – black (plain, not patterned)
  • Rucksack that will accommodate PE kit, A4 sized notebooks and all other equipment

Girls can wear trousers or skirt, tights must be worn with skirts

PE Kit: Boys

  • Academy polo shirt* – synthetic blue with academy logo
  • Shorts – plain navy blue
  • Football/rugby socks – plain navy
  • Trainers/pumps – for indoor use
  • Football/rugby boots – for outdoor use
  • Unisex PE outerwear hoodie
  • Unisex Joggers 
  • Hair bobble (if required)

PE Kit: Girls

  • Academy polo shirt* – synthetic blue with academy logo
  • Shorts – plain navy blue
  • Trainers/pumps – for indoor use
  • Unisex PE outerwear hoodie 
  • Unisex Joggers
  • Girls PE leggings
  • Hair bobble (if required)

Correct kit must be worn for all PE lessons. All students will be expected to take part, unless a valid note is produced, signed by a parent/carer. If a child has a medical condition which may affect their long term participation, then they may be asked to bring in a medical note or evidence from your family GP. Students will not be allowed to wear training shoes or socks for gymnastics. Students may wear navy tracksuit bottoms for PE lessons during periods of cold weather and at the teacher’s discretion.

Jewellery, Make-up and Hairstyles

Jewellery – For health and safety reasons, no jewellery is permitted. No piercings to be worn of any kind. This includes tongue piercings. Piercings will be asked to be removed irrespective of the length of time since the piercing was made. A wrist watch may be worn.

Make-up – No make-up of any kind to be worn including false eyelashes and fake tan. If a student is found to be wearing make-up they will be asked to remove it using a wipe provided by school or soap and water.

False nails or acrylic tips – Whether they are plain or patterned false nails or acrylic tips will not be allowed.
 No nail varnish is to be worn.

Hairstyles – Excessively bright and unnatural colours, tramlines and shaven patterns will NOT be allowed. This includes hair that has been shaven at different lengths, Mohican style haircuts or any unblended shaved patterns. The Headteacher will have the final judgement to deem the hairstyle appropriate or inappropriate to school policy.

Denim – No denim (trousers, coats etc)

Hats and Coats

Students may wear winter hats in outdoor areas. Coats worn over the blazer may be worn in cold weather but must be taken off when inside the building.

Uniform Exchange Shop

To help with the soaring cost of living and rising costs of school uniform we are delighted to offer our very own onsite Uniform Exchange Shop.


How can we help you?

Our Uniform Exchange Shop is open to any child from any Year Group and stocks high-quality items from ties and shirts to blazers and PE kits. You’ll be able to exchange items or just ask for any items of uniform that you may need. Please pop into our Reception any weekday between 8am-4pm ask our team for any items you need.


How can you help us?

To help us with our mission to recycle and reuse we kindly ask our parents/carers to consider donating any unwanted, new or second-hand uniform items, including PE kit, in good condition to us. We’re incredibly proud of our caring and generous academy community and we know from previous campaigns such as our Foodbank collections that they step up to help whenever we ask. We are amazing at ‘Succeeding Together’.
You can drop off your items at our main academy reception between 8am-4pm any weekday.

Where To Buy Our Uniform

Co-op Academy Swinton uniform is available to buy from Debonair Schoolwear and Whittakers Schoolwear. 

Debonair Schoolwear

0161 620 0237

Purchase online only

Debonair Schoolwear are an established school uniform supplier based in the North West. Established since the early 2000s, Debonair Schoolwear offers quality and value from the get-go. They aim to meet the needs of parents and schools alike and are dedicated to maintaining  high standard services.

Whittakers Schoolwear

 0161 794 1396 

Address: 123 - 125 Chorley Road, Swinton, Manchester, M27 4AA 

Purchase online and in-store

Whittakers are a family run company who pride themselves on quality and value, both in their products and service. A leading supplier to over 450 schools, they are dedicated to providing value-driven garments.