Student Expectations
Our approach to behaviour is positive, placing an emphasis on praise, encouragement and rewards for making good choices.
Our basic expectations for developing good learning habits are rooted in our core values of STRIVE...
Success: Stay on task in lessons
Togetherness: Be on time
Respect: Listen when others are speaking
Independence: Have the basic equipment with you for all your lessons
Versatility: Use the correct presentation and learning skills for each subject
Effort: Ensure homework is handed in on time and to a good standard
We expect all our students to;
- Treat others with respect, in keeping with the ethos of our academy
- Be polite and helpful to others
- Work to the best of your ability
- Be punctual to the academy and to lessons and attend daily
- Ensure you have all the equipment needed for lessons, including your student planner and cashless system card
- Always wear the correct academy uniform and be tidy in appearance
- Look after the environment of our academy and our community as a whole
- Ensure your classwork and homework is well presented, completed to the best of your ability and handed in on time
- Behave appropriately at all times – whether that is in the academy, arriving or leaving and when representing the academy in extra-curricular activities
Behaviour for Learning: STRIVE Corrections
Students must realise that making good choices around positive learning behaviours will be rewarded whilst making poor choices will have consequences. See our STRIVE system of consequences and details about after school corrections HERE
Behaviour for Learning: Routines/Expectations
See our standard routines and expectations for all students in school HERE
Behaviour for Learning: Key Principles
Presentation Expectations
We have high expectations of all our students in every aspect of school life. This also applies to all the work you produce in all of your subjects.
These are the rules we expect you to follow...
Students will:
- Value their work and take pride in their presentation
- Write in black pen
- Write the title and date in each lesson (the date will be in the format Day-Month name-Year e.g. 17th February, 2022) MFL subjects may choose to ask you to write it in the target language
- Underline the title and date with a ruler
- Draw diagrams in pencil
- Draw tables with a pencil and ruler
- Cross out mistakes neatly with a single line, rather than scribbling it out
- Paste any worksheets in neatly
- Not graffiti or doodle in their exercise books
- Keep the front cover of exercise books neat and tidy
- Rule off under their last piece of work and not waste space in books (both sides of the paper must be used)
- Be correctly equipped for lessons with a pencil case containing; black pen (plus a spare), pencil, ruler, rubber, pencil sharpener, green pen and a calculator
Teachers will:
- Have high expectations of students for presentation
- Be explicit with instructions for presentation and regularly remind students of expectations
- Monitor students’s work, giving them sufficient time to complete
- Encourage students to edit their own work and provide them with strategies to help them present it properly e.g. model what good presentation looks like
- Be aware of the presentation of their own work and the quality of resources used
- Provide, where necessary, good quality subject specific equipment for students and explain how and when it is to be used
- Consistently apply sanctions for a lack of pencil case equipment

Pastoral Team
Looking after the students and their specific Year Groups are our Pastoral Team. Find out who they are on our Student Support page...