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Student Support

We are here to support you. If you are worried in any way or have an issue you need help with please let us know.

This page contains the information about who you can talk to in school and organisations who can help outside of school too.


Who can you talk to during the academy day?

   Year Manager  Assistant Year Manager
Year 7 Miss Daley Mr Yaseer
Year 8 Miss Fisher Miss Kousar
Year 9 Miss Stevens Miss Rice
Year 10 Miss Carrington Miss Fearnhead
Year 11 Miss Cope Mr Culkin

If you have a worry or an issue you can speak to any member of staff you feel comfortable speaking to, but for each Year Group we have a dedicated Pupil Progress Coordinator and Year Manager. They are responsible for;

  • your mental health and wellbeing
  • your safeguarding
  • monitoring behaviour and attendance
  • celebrating your success and encouraging you to achieve even more
  • working together with you and your family to overcome any obstacles
  • monitoring your progress in lessons and supporting you to reach your potential
  • supporting you with any welfare issues and being someone you can talk to



Who can I speak to outside the academy?

At times you might find the need to speak to someone during the evening, at weekend or during the holidays. If you feel that you may need help from someone outside of school, please see below for some useful links to information from other sources.

Childline or call 0800 11 11

42nd Street or call 0161 228 7321

Kidscape or call 020 7730 3300



Papyrus or call 0800 068 41 41

Samaritans or call 116 123 for free

Young Minds



More helpful resources

You can also find more information and support around mental health awareness and online safety on our Safeguarding page HERE