Transition From Primary

Primary Transition for September 2025
If your child has been successfully offered Year 7 place here at Co-op Academy Swinton please take a look at our plan for transition for September 2025 using the button below.
We’d like to say a huge welcome to our family and the start of your five-year journey with us. We’re here for you and your child every step of the way!
We are extremely proud of the very strong and trusted relationships we have formed over the years with our local primary schools and we never underestimate the importance of ensuring a smooth transition for our new Year 7 students.
Although an exciting challenge, we recognise it can be a daunting experience for some students. We fully understand the personal, social and academic needs of our new students and do everything we can to ensure that this transition is both smooth and relaxed.
With this in mind we operate a wide programme of initiatives to support this process. Our staff visit local primary schools and meet with Year 6 students on numerous occasions throughout the year and we host many joint activities here in school from Open Mornings and Transition Days to Enrichment Weeks and Sports Action Challenges.
Our Primary Transition Programme – support and guidance every step of the way
As you can see from the list below, we have a wide range of approaches to ease the transition from primary to secondary school and this prospectus highlights only a few of them. These strategies help us to provide a framework for consistent partnership between us and our family of schools and this collaboration ensures the students go on to make outstanding progress when they start high school.
Here are some of the initiatives we run:
Intake Day
A programme of visits where Year 6 primary school children attend our school for a whole day and follow a typical day of lessons and activities. Throughout the day the children complete a journal describing their experiences, which enables us, as a school, to constantly re-evaluate our practices.
Primary Olympics
A fun day where our prospective students from all the primary schools are brought together to take part in various sporting events. The day enables them to build new friendships with children from other schools, ahead of their start date here. It is a fantastic social event where the spirit of competition fuels their interest and engagement. The day is facilitated by many of our older students, in a lead/coaching role which gives the children the opportunity to talk, one-to one, with students who are currently here and reassure them about life at secondary school.
Open Evening
Our annual Open Evening, usually held in early October, is a chance for prospective students and their families to see our school in action. With exciting displays, in-class demonstrations and activities, it is a great opportunity to meet our students and speak to members of our staff in detail about their subjects and just what we have to offer.
Intake Evening
On Thursday 19th June we will be holding our Primary Intake Parent's Evening. This evening is split into two settings for students and parents/carers. Firstly we place our new students into their form groups giving them the opportunity to meet their Form Tutor and the other students from their forms. Secondly, our Headteacher addresses the families, aiming to give parents/carers the chance to understand the importance we place on our commitment to their children.
School Productions
On an annual basis we invite children from our feeder primary schools to enjoy a matinee performance of our school production. It is always a fun event, enjoyed by both the children and the primary school teachers who accompany them.