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Behaviour for Learning: Routines/Expectations

The information below is written in conjunction with our Behaviour Policy and Anti-Bullying Policy.



  • To have the highest expectations of student behaviour in order to maximise opportunities to strive for success.
  • To ensure all students develop the good learning habits that they need to be successful in school and life.
  • To realise and celebrate the potential of all students through promoting our core values of show you care, succeed together, be yourself, always and do what matters most.
  • To create an environment in which students are supported to become self-disciplined, hardworking and able to accept responsibility for their own actions.
  • To form an active, three-way partnership with families and students to encourage excellent behaviour and to establish improved patterns of behaviour where there are difficulties.

These aims are supported by regular staff CPD focusing on: core routines and developing appropriate strategies for managing behaviour; bespoke teaching and learning strategies and how to ensure the highest quality provision for all students including those with special educational needs and disabilities.

Co-op Academy Swinton is committed to doing what matters most by ensuring that our students strive to achieve success. We are dedicated to succeeding together and ensuring that all students succeed at university, or a real alternative, thrive in a top job and have a great life. We believe that anyone who is successful (in the truly broad sense of the word) must be co-operative, responsible, happy, healthy, resilient, independent and show they care about their own aspirations and the aspirations of others. We also want our students to express themselves in the right way by being yourself, always across our academy community and beyond.

Our ‘Co-op Academy Swinton Learning Habits’ provide a framework to ensure our core values (Show you care, succeed together, be yourself, always and do what matters most) are embedded within our daily practice and routines.

From the first day at Co-op Academy Swinton, students are expected to pick up and develop our core learning habits which we believe every student can demonstrate. In doing so, each student will thrive at our academy and will have the skills they need to be successful at university and/or in the professional world of work

Core Learning Habits

Being ready to learn | Fully equipped, full academy uniform and punctual to all lessons. Please see enclosed uniform and standards guidance.

Genuine Mutual Respect | Actions that are experienced or done by two or more people towards others that show a regard for the feelings, wishes, or rights of others.

Routines | How we transition around the building, enter and exit classrooms so that we maximise learning time.

Academic behaviours | Retrieval & Practice, Guided, Independent Practice and Deeper Thinking through generative learning.

We must have high expectations of everyone in order for them to be successful; we will support every student to meet our expectations. Whilst sometimes this may be challenging, we expect our students to live by our learning habits 100% of the time. If they do this, their hard work will be acknowledged through our ways of being (core values). However, if any of the learning habits are not met, a same-day correction will be issued. It is vital that this is served on the same day so that the student is given the opportunity to reflect on their mistake. This allows the student to take the necessary next steps to improve on the following day. Failure to attend the same-day correction will result in a period of reflection in our ‘reflections’ room where they will complete their classwork as normal. A correction will then be completed of up to one hour duration.

Acknowledgement of our Ways of Being

Verbal acknowledgement | Around the academy, and in lessons, staff members use positive language, specific descriptive feedback and reinforcement to signal to students that they are demonstrating positive learning habits. Year teams will communicate with home regularly; this is an opportunity to provide our families with positive information.

Achievement Points | Students are acknowledged in the form of achievement points which are issued electronically by teaching and support staff. There are weekly, half termly and termly awards from individuals, forms and year groups.

Postcards and Letters Home | Departments, year teams and our Senior Leadership Team will send postcards and letters home to students who demonstrate over and above behaviours that mirror our core values.

Golden Tickets | Teachers and Support Staff can hand out one golden ticket per lesson for students who demonstrate outstanding learning habits. For example, supporting their peers to promote a positive learning environment (succeeding together), developing their own knowledge and skills to benefit themselves and fellow students (be yourself, always), being a driving force to make sure my school moves forward. I am mindful that my behaviour and actions have an impact on others (Do what matters most), encouraging co-operation between students to promote trust, mutual respect and support (show you care).
Raffles | Students who consistently demonstrate outstanding learning habits will be entered into raffles to win various prizes. An example of prizes are, queue jump at break & lunch, chocolate hamper, shopping vouchers, iPad, Chromebook, revision packs, trips to Old Trafford and various other venues throughout the year.

Standards Gate

In the morning as our students arrive we will have four gates open. JB’s (this is at the rear of our building) will welcome our students from 7:15am for a free breakfast and hot/cold drink. This is available for all our students.

Key Stage 3 (Year 7, 8 and 9) students can fast track into the building if they are ready to learn (fully equipped, full school uniform and have arrived before the morning 8:40am bell). Students will enter through the Science gate at the front of the academy. Year 7 and 8 currently enter the academy here so there will be no changes for those two year groups.

Key Stage 4 (Year 10 and 11) students can fast track into the building if they are ready to learn (fully equipped, full academy uniform and have arrived before the morning 8:40am bell). Students will enter through the main student entrance at the front of the academy. Year 10 and 11 currently use this entrance so no there will be no change for both year groups.

The fourth gate is our standards gate. Students enter here if they are not ready to learn. For example, a student may not have a tie and as a result are not in full uniform. This student will enter through the standards gate located at the front of the academy entering the maths corridor (in between the Key Stage 3 and 4 fast track gates). Here they can loan a tie for the day. This stops the student receiving a correction. We will also loan blazers, school shoes and provide equipment needed. If a student is persistently not ready to learn, we will arrange parental meetings to discuss the concerns and what support we can put in place to rectify this.

Our standards gate is open until 9:30am. Students arriving late before 9:30am enter the academy through this gate and not the main entrance. Any student arriving after 9:30am will then enter at the main reception to sign in.

Corrections and Reflection Room

At Co-op Academy Swinton, our behaviour system is very simple; it is successful because of the excellent relationships between staff, students and families. Evidence suggests sanctions must always be immediate (a detention three days later doesn’t work with students) and it must be specific to the issue. Therefore, corrections will always be set for the same day.

If a student receives three corrections in one day, they will be placed in the Reflections Room, which means they will work independently with a member of staff. The work will be the same as their timetabled lesson. Students will complete five periods in the reflection room. For example, if a student receives their third correction in their third lesson, they will spend time in the Reflections Room lesson three, four & five that same day and lesson one and two the next day.

Other reasons for a student being placed in the Reflections Room include: failure to attend correction, a serious incident or return from exclusion. Wherever the reflection room is unfortunately required, we believe the most important thing is to take part in a reflective conversation with the student and in some cases their family; therefore, families may be asked to come into school for a meeting before the student is reintegrated into lessons following a period in the reflections room.

If a serious incident has occurred at the academy, a full investigation will be undertaken. This will involve taking statements from students and staff where needed. Parents will always be informed when we are dealing with a serious incident. At times, we may need to isolate a student during an investigation. When we have completed our investigation, parents will be asked to attend the academy to discuss the incident and possible ways of resolving the situation.


The table shows possible consequences for different behaviours. Where student behaviour is persistent, we will work with families and the student to put support in place to create individualised strategies to help the student get back on track.

Teacher/Year Team Year Team/SLT SLT SLT Headteacher
  Correction Reflections Room Retreat/Retreat+ Placement Fixed Term Exclusion Managed Move/Permanent Exclusion
Off task behaviour in lessons X X      
Answering back to staff X X X    
Breaking no contact rule – fighting/physical assault X X X X X
Chewing Gum X        
Being dishonest to members of staff X X      
Misbehaviour in correction X X X X  
Incorrect uniform X X      
Late to lesson X X      
Late to school X X      
Missing equipment X X      
Missed homework/deadline X X      
Mobile phone seen X        
Overheard swearing X        
Inappropriate hairstyle     X  


Teacher/Year Team Year Team/SLT SLT SLT Headteacher
  Correction Reflections Room Retreat/Retreat+ Placement Fixed Term Exclusion Managed Move/Permanent Exclusion
Lines in eyebrows     X    
Swearing at a student X X X    
Absconding school     X X X
Leaving a lesson X X X    
Missing a correction X X      
Plagiarism     X    
Refusal to follow instructions X X X X X
Three corrections in a day   X      
Truancy       X X
Persistent off task behaviour     X X X
Vandalism of school property       X X
Swearing at a member of staff       X X
Racist/Trans/Homophobic comments or behaviour       X X
Prolonged bullying of a student       X X
Theft       X X
Sexual/Homophobic/Racist bullying       X X


Behaviour Expectations

Retrieval and Practice

  1. Students enter the classroom in silence, get out their planner and equipment and place it on the desk
  2. Students should start the Retrieval and Practice activity straight away aiming to answer all the questionsgiving an appropriate level of detail
  3. Aim to answer questions from memory but use other sources of information if needed and instructed by your teacher.An example would be your knowledge organiser or book
  4. Students remain in silence unless they are instructed to answer a question or the teachers planned activity allows forpeer or group work
  5. Be ready to give appropriately detailed verbal answers if asked by your teacher during questioning and feedback
  6. Record any corrections in green pen during class questioning and feedback

Guided Practice

  1. Students should be tracking the teacher or the whiteboard unless a question is asked then they should track the speaker
  2. Students remain in silence unless they are instructed to answer a question or the teachers planned activity allows for peer or group work
  3. Students should be in SLANT throughout guided practice
  4. Strive to achieve the highest levels of success and understand it will take hard work to achieve this
  5. Write down model notes, answers or annotations that are shared
  6. Be prepared to give appropriately detailed ideas/answers when cold called
  7. Learn from the feedback/examples other students give
  8. Show the resilience to aim to achieve the highest levels within independent practice

Deeper thinking through generative learning

  1. Students may be asked to work independently, with a partner or as part of a group
  2. When working with a partner or a group students must not disrupt others or join conversations of other peers/groups
  3. If a student is working independently they must remain in silence unless instructed otherwise by the teacher
  4. Be prepared to give appropriately detailed ideas/answers when cold called
  5. Show the resilience to aim to achieve the highest levels within independent practice
  6. Learn from the feedback/examples other students give

Independent Practice

  1. Students remain in silence unless they are instructed to answer a question or the teachers planned activity allows for peer or group work
  2. Students should work on their own throughout the task / activity
  3. The teacher may want to offer support to an individual or small group. Everyone else must remain in silence throughout the independent practice task/activity
  4. Use this time in a lesson to show off what they can do
  5. Be prepared to respond when cold called
  6. Understand that ‘I do not know’ will not be accepted as an answer and be ready to engage in a discussion to arrive at the right answer
  7. Ensure that answers are in full sentences (where appropriate) and/or academic vocabulary is used and is concise.
  8. Learn from the work of other students that is being shared