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Physical Education

We believe that every child will be able to access all areas of our varied PE curriculum and that PE in our school continually offers valuable, inclusive and diverse extra-curricular opportunities which are built around the needs of our students.

It is paramount to us that students are taught the principle values of sportsmanship and team-work as well as our core Co-op values which are just as important as physical excellence. Students will be guided to discover and develop their potential in a safe supportive challenging environment which promotes their physical, social and emotional well-being. Our curriculum philosophy is driven by four lifelong learning pillars:

  • Why is working as a part of a team important?
    Students will have a wide variety of practical experiences through high quality sporting experiences and understand the importance of what it is to be a part of a team whilst developing strong followership and leadership skills.
  • What makes a good sports person?
    Students will learn to become self-aware of their own strengths and areas for development and work towards striving to fulfil their true potential. This outcome will be powered by the students and staff together.
  • How do we promote values in sport?
    The promotion of our Co-op and Olympic values through our sporting activities of all levels and types. It is important to us that students fully understand that the pursuit of success and physical excellence go hand in hand with the values which are promoted consistently throughout their learning journey.
  • What opportunities are available through sport?
    Our students will have rich and diverse experiences through the curriculum but also through our extensive extra-curricular activities which will offer the opportunities to students of all abilities and interests. Through our Sports Studies qualification and the Key Stage 4 options program we will ensure students are passionate about sports and physical activity so that when they leave us they have the skill set, knowledge, confidence and ambition to pursue their dreams and interests.

PE Curriculum Map

Please see the PDF below for a full breakdown of our PE Curriculum for each Year Group.