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Rewards and Consequences

We have an adopted awards scheme, known as Strive & Achievement Points.

The scheme allows students to collect points throughout the school year which they can then exchange for various. Points are awarded for many things from good behaviour to correct uniform and attendance.

We give out a multitude of awards throughout the year to students;

  • Subject Awards – given for high levels of achievement in a given subject
  • Achievement Point Awards – given at the end of term whole school assembly
  • Attendance Awards – given at the end of term whole school assembly
  • Governors Awards – given by our Governors’ Rewards Committee when a student consistently works well in school they are nominated to receive praise from our academy Governors. They will meet with the committee to be congratulated on their efforts and behaviour in school. They will also receive a letter and a small gift.
  • Weekly ‘Praise in Public’ – on a weekly basis our staff nominate students that have excelled the previous week. They are then praised in their Year group assembly and placed into a prize draw.
  • Manchester United Tickets – as part of our partnership with Manchester United Foundation we are provided with four tickets for every home game. These tickets are then given to selected students for a wide range of reasons from going above and beyond in lessons, to 100% attendance and punctuality.
  • Rewards Trip – at the end of every academic year all eligible students who have made a sustained effort in class, with good attendance and punctuality are invited to take part. In previous year we have been to Blackpool Pleasure Beach and Alton Towers.


Issues within class are the responsibility of the Subject Teacher in the first instance, but if the problem continues, students are referred to the Head of Department or Director of Learning. Persistent misbehaviour will be reported to the Form Tutor, Year Manager and to the Pupil Progress Coordinator, as will misconduct which takes place out of lesson time. If the sanctions have no effect, or if serious misdemeanours occur, the student will be dealt with by the Senior Leadership Team and eventually by the Headteacher.

It is our academy policy to involve parents/carers in disciplinary procedures by informing them by letter or phone call or may also be invited into the academy.

What sanctions will be used?

  • Reprimand by the teacher, but in most serious cases, by referral to Pastoral and Senior staff.
  • Placing on Report to Form Tutor, Year Manager, Social Inclusion Officer, Pupil Progress Coordinator, Assistant Head or Deputy Head: This involves the child having a range of targets, which they must meet each lesson. The online report will then be monitored on a daily basis by the relevant member of staff.
  • Restitution e.g. removal of graffiti, repair of damage and/or payment for it.
  • Detention – the academy has the right to detain a student when a detention system has been declared as a policy (see STRIVE Behaviour for Learning System below), and as long as it is considered that no additional risk is imposed upon the child. Students may also be detained at break time or after they have eaten at lunchtime, if necessary.
  • Retreat – a disruptive student may be temporarily withdrawn from normal lessons and complete work in isolation from other students.
  • Retreat Plus – the academy has an inclusion unit known as Retreat Plus. This is used as an alternative to fixed term exclusions. Students who would normally be given a fixed term exclusion are instead withdrawn from normal lessons and complete work in isolation from other students.

STRIVE: Behaviour for Learning System

Students must realise that making good choices around positive learning behaviours will be rewarded whilst making poor choices will have consequences. Our STRIVE system of consequences are as follows:

A student will be given two reminders to help them make the correct choice for learning. If after that they choose not to uphold the STRIVE learning standards they will receive a SAME DAY correction AFTER SCHOOL. Students will be informed of the correction by the class teacher and we will make every effort to notify parents/carers by text of a same day correction before 2:45pm that day.

If a student receives more than one correction per day, then the amount of time spent in correction will increase in line with the number of corrections, see below:

1 correction = 30 minutes
2/3 corrections = 40 minutes
4/5 corrections = 45 minutes

Should a student continue to make inappropriate choices there will be an escalation of consequences as follows:

  • Not attending the after school correction will result in a 1 hour detention after school the following day
  • Failing or not attending the 1 hour detention will result in being isolated and spending the next day with the Form Tutor/Form Team
  • Failing the isolation with the Form Tutor will result in a day in Retreat
  • Failing a day in Retreat will result in a day in Retreat+
  • Failing the day in Retreat+ will result in a fixed term exclusion from the Academy.

Should any student choose to exhibit extremely challenging behaviour (such as swearing at a member of staff) they will be immediately isolated with the form team and then spend the next day in Retreat

Further Sanctions

Where all other forms of punishment have failed, and/or in certain extreme cases of misbehaviour, the academy will resort to other sanctions and ultimately permanent exclusion (expulsion) from the school. Students and their parents/carers may also be invited to attend a Governors’ Disciplinary Committee to discuss their child’s behaviour and to seek a solution to the problem.