Proud to be part of the
Co-op Academies Trust
Proud to be part of the
Co-op Academies Trust
A Warm Welcome
From our Headteacher
Mrs Zarina Ali, Principal
At Co-op Academy Swinton we strive to ensure that all students regardless of their background, achieve their potential. We are committed to opening doors and providing opportunities for our students to secure their next step and encourage them to be ambitious.
We're delighted to share details of the University of Bolton's online webinar about How to support your young person with their GCSE revision. Any parents/carers who would like to sign up can find more details here:
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This week is National Careers week. There are a number of events happening in school over the next few weeks linked to this, including special assemblies and curriculum-linked events. Please read the attached booklet written for parents about how you can help your child in regard...
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Our newsletter for half-term 3 is out now! Find all the success across the last 6 weeks here: HT3 Newsletter
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Many pupils are happy and proud to attend the Co-op Swinton Academy. Supportive relationships with teachers help most pupils to feel safe in school.
There are lots of lunchtime and after-school activities in which pupils can take part. For example, some pupils make the most of clubs, such as volleyball, weightlifting, table tennis and ceramics. Pupils appreciate opportunities to take on additional responsibilities, such as being school prefects and student council representatives.
Pupils are well informed about their next steps. They benefit from a wide range of opportunities to help them to make appropriate decisions about further education, employment and training.
The school has set out the important knowledge that pupils should learn and when this content should be taught. Teachers are suitably equipped to deliver the curriculum well.
Teachers design learning that helps pupils, including those who are disadvantaged, to build a rich body of subject knowledge.