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SEND Local Offer

SEND Local Offer

Version |  September 2024


Local Offer        4

Teaching and Learning        5

What additional support can be provided in the classroom?        5

What provision do you offer to facilitate access to the curriculum and to develop independent learning? (This may include support from external agencies and equipment/facilities)        5

Staff specialisms/expertise around SEN or disability        5

What ongoing support and development is in place for staff regards supporting children and young people with SEN?        5

What arrangements are made for reasonable adjustments in the curriculum and support the student during exams?        6

How do you share educational progress and outcomes with parents?        6

What external teaching and learning do you offer?        6

What arrangements are in place to ensure that support is maintained in "off site provision"?        6

What work experience opportunities do you offer?        6

Annual Reviews        7

What arrangements are in place for review meetings for children with Statements or Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plans?        7

What arrangements are in place for children with other SEN support needs?        7

Keeping Children Safe        8

What handover arrangements will be made at the start and end of the school day? Do you have parking areas for pick up and drop offs?        8

What support is offered during breaks and lunchtimes?        8

How do you ensure students stay safe outside the classroom? (e.g. during PE lessons and school trips)        8

What are the school arrangements for undertaking risk assessments?        8

Where can parents find details of policies on bullying?        8

Health (including Emotional Health and Wellbeing)        9

What is the school’s policy on administering medication?        9

How do you work with the family to draw up a care plan and ensure that all relevant staff are aware of the plan?        9

What would the school do in the case of a medical emergency?        9

How do you ensure that staff are trained/qualified to deal with a child’s particular needs?        9

Which health or therapy services can children access in school premises?        9

Communication with Parents        10

How do you ensure that parents know “who’s who” and who they can contact if they have
concerns about their child/young person?        10

Do parents have to make an appointment to meet with staff or do you have an ‘open-door policy’?        10

How do you keep parents updated with their child/young person’s progress?        10

Do you offer Open Days?        10

How can parents give feedback to the school?        10

Working Together        12

Do you have home/school contracts?        12

What opportunities do you offer for students to have their say? e.g. school council        12

What opportunities are there for parents/carers to have their say about their child’s education?        12

What opportunities are there for parents/carers to get involved in the school or become school Governors?        12

How does the Governing Body involve other agencies in meeting the needs of students
with SEN and supporting their families? (e.g. health, social care, voluntary groups        12

What help and support is available for the family?        13

Do you offer help with completing forms and paperwork? If yes, who normally provides
this help and how would parents access this?        13

What information, advice and guidance can parents and young people access through the school?
Who normally provides this help and how would they access this?        13

How does the school help parents with travel plans to get their child to and from school?        13

Transition from Primary School and School Leavers        14

What support does the school offer for Year 6 children coming to the school?
(e.g. visits to the school, buddying)        14

What support is offered for young people leaving the school?
(e.g. careers guidance, visits to colleges, apprenticeships, supported employment etc)        14

What advice/support do you offer young people and their parents/carers about preparing for adulthood?        14

Extra Curricular Activities        15

Do you offer school holiday and/or before and after school provision? If yes, please give details.        15

What lunchtime or after school activities do you offer? Do parents have to pay for these and if so, how much?        15

How do you make sure clubs, activities and residential trips are inclusive?        15

How do you help children and young people to make friends?        15

Glossary        15

Local Offer

The SEN Reform places a statutory requirement on schools from 1 September 2014 to make information available to young people and parents about how the school supports children and young people with SEN. This information will form the main basis for the school’s Local Offer, which must be published on the school’s website.

School/Academy Name:

Co-op Academy Swinton

Name and contact details of our school SENDCO:

Mr Malcolm Dodd,
Director of Learning of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SENDCO)

Co-op Academy Swinton, Sefton Road,
Pendlebury, Manchester M27 6JU

Name of person/Job title:

Mr Malcolm Dodd,
Director of Learning of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SENDCO)

Contact telephone:

0161 794 6215


Direct link to school’s Local Offer

Salford’s Local Offer 


Malcolm Dodd


September 2024

Teaching and Learning

What additional support can be provided in the classroom?

  • Teaching Assistant
  • Small class sizes for lower sets
  • Scaffolded worksheets and resources
  • Extra teacher support in small classes
  • Personalised teaching to students’ specific needs
  • Subject specific intervention and support
  • Task plans laminated for all staff to help scaffolding learning

What provision do you offer to facilitate access to the curriculum and to develop independent learning? (This may include support from external agencies and equipment/facilities)

  • Specialist online support programmes
  • Dyslexia screening
  • Advice from the Educational Psychologist which feeds into pupil passports and any possible referrals
  • Chromebooks / Laptops
  • Coloured overlays for students with dyslexic tendencies
  • Lego Therapy used to build language and communication skills
  • Nurture curriculum for students in Year 7 and 8 for pupils who need extra support around their social skills and intervention with literacy and numeracy
  • EMTAS support for students with EAL

Staff specialisms/expertise around SEN or disability

  • Motivated SENDCO who is due to complete NASENDCo qualification in September 2024
  • Teaching Assistants’ and Year Managers trained in Phonics and Catch-up Literacy
  • Local Authority staff support from trained VI and HI personnel
  • Access to Occupational Therapy expert who comes in school four times per term
  • Educational Psychologist who visits school half termly to work with pupils and parents

What ongoing support and development is in place for staff regards supporting children and young people with SEN?

CPD training offered regularly on:

  • ADHD training
  • Dyslexia training
  • Speech and Language training
  • Behaviour modification programmes
  • Supporting EAL students in/out of the classroom
  • Advice published of the changes to SEND code of practice and how it will impact the class teacher
  • Documents on shared area to help inform staff of SEND students and their needs
  • Staff are signed up to to help with strategies to teaching children wish SEND

What arrangements are made for reasonable adjustments in the curriculum and support the student during exams?

Access arrangements – which includes:

  • Readers
  • Scribes
  • Extra time
  • Small classroom for anxious students/behaviour students
  • Coloured overlays and exam papers for students with dyslexia and visual stress
  • Scaffolded worksheets and resources with scaffolded tasks
  • The Strive Centre for intervention sessions
  • Nurture groups for vulnerable students within Years 7 and 8
  • Teachers informed of all students’ reading ages
  • Teachers informed of all students having special needs
  • Training for Readers and Scribes before exams
  • Before and after school intervention groups

How do you share educational progress and outcomes with parents?

  • Parents’ Evenings
  • Progress checks - sent home termly
  • School reports - once yearly
  • Meetings with parents
  • Annual Review of EHCP’s
  • Review of Pupil Passports
  • Two SEND drop in weeks

What external teaching and learning do you offer?

  • Google Documents for setting, accessing work and contacting students
  • Laptops or chromebooks for some students working from home (vulnerable students)

What arrangements are in place to ensure that support is maintained in "off site provision"?

  • Offsite provision is rare however it is provided via EHCP when support is required. Year Managers keep in regular contact
  • Reports are required from AP to ensure we are up to date with progress

What work experience opportunities do you offer?

Work experience opportunities are under constant change, however it is provided as and when the need arises

Annual Reviews

What arrangements are in place for review meetings for children with Statements or Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plans?

  • Invites to all parties involved annually
  • Review meeting held at a convenient location
  • Review meeting held at a convenient time for parents who work/have commitments during the day
  • Translator provided if needed
  • Consultation with staff prior to the meeting
  • Making parents aware of parent partnership support

What arrangements are in place for children with other SEN support needs?

  • Time in the school’s Nurture Room
  • Time in the school’s Strive Centre room
  • Clubs with Teaching Assistants and teaching staff open at lunch for SEND and other students to access
  • Specific EAL club to target students needing extra literacy support
  • Before and After-school homework club to assist SEN students with work and organisation
  • SENDCo support
  • Small class sizes
  • Phonics intervention - through TA intervention using Freshstart programme
  • Catch-up Literacy for students with a reading age below reading age expectations, split between Librarian, SENDCo and Literacy Coordinator
  • Educational Psychologist for assessments and strategies
  • Peer mentoring (reading)
  • Neurodevelopmental referrals where needed

Keeping Children Safe

What handover arrangements will be made at the start and end of the school day? Do you have parking areas for pick up and drop offs?

  • Parking facilities available at the front of school, drop off for students with physical disability
  • Meeting point for Teaching Assistant at beginning/end of school day
  • Reception at front of school where parents can wait for students

What support is offered during breaks and lunchtimes?

  • Staffed Nurture room access; this is open pre-school, at break, during lunch and after school
  • Staffed Strive Centre access; this is open pre-school, at break, during lunch and after school
  • Lunch can be eaten in the Strive Centre or Nurture Room, even if purchased from the canteen
  • Students who are upset, lonely or worried can access staff during the above times

How do you ensure students stay safe outside the classroom? (e.g. during PE lessons and school trips)

  • Teachers meet and greet students at the start of the lesson and dismiss them at the end, hence staff on corridors at all changeovers
  • Risk assessments are undertaken for all school trips and individual risk assessments are taken out for students in conjunction with the parent, school nurse or any outside agency, i.e. YOTs, Youth Service etc.
  • PE lessons are always supervised and risk assessments for individuals are undertaken if and when necessary
  • Any student who ‘can not’ do PE for medical reasons, alternative provision is organised in order to help with another aspect of school - Literacy/numeracy but this is done on an individual basis, in conjunction with the parent/carer or medic’s advice

What are the school arrangements for undertaking risk assessments?

  • All in line with Salford LA
  • Completed with outside consultancy (Ellis Whittam)

Where can parents find details of policies on bullying?

Policies can be found on the school website: However, if parents/carers telephone school and request one school will send out a hard copy or email them a copy.

Health (including Emotional Health and Wellbeing)

What is the school’s policy on administering medication?

School has a policy on medication administration, ratified and agreed by Governors.

How do you work with the family to draw up a care plan and ensure that all relevant staff are aware of the plan?

A meeting is held with the parent/carer, SENDCO, school nurse and any other professional who is involved with the student. The Care Plan is then shared with all staff in briefing and monitored by the SENDCO every half-term or sooner if needed, parents are consulted should there be any adjustments made to the plan. Equally, parents can come into school and meet with the SENDCO if they feel the plan needs to be amended.

What would the school do in the case of a medical emergency?

  • Call 999
  • Contact a qualified First Aider
  • Contact parent/carer, collect them or pay for a taxi if required
  • In absence of parent/carer a First Aider would accompany the student to the hospital
  • If language is an issue the member of staff would stay at the hospital and explain to the medical staff what had happened, if possible a translator would be brought in

How do you ensure that staff are trained/qualified to deal with a child’s particular needs?

  • All staff are trained yearly in INSET sessions on Safeguarding/Child Protection
  • Relevant staff undertake external courses provided by the Local Authority and private companies
  • Asthma training is given in school to all staff and some students in school
  • Relevant staff trained on how to use an Epipen
  • Relevant staff all trained on CAF completion and other relevant documents, i.e. RIATs, EWO referrals, etc.
  • Training by outside professionals for ASD, ADHD, EAL, etc.

Which health or therapy services can children access in school premises?

School nurse ‘drop-in’ 12:55pm-2.05pm, every Tuesday

Communication with Parents

How do you ensure that parents know “who’s who” and who they can contact if they have concerns about their child/young person?

  • Half termly letter is sent to all parents/carers informing them who is their child’s Coordinator, SENDCO and Child Protection Officer
  • Information is also distributed at Parents’ Evenings, if parents/carers don’t attend a letter is sent to them
  • Home visits are made if requested by parent
  • Information is also available on the school website
  • SENDCO gives school contact number and his email address to all parents who express a need to speak to him regularly and parents are told that they are welcome to ring or email regarding any concerns they may have
  • Letters sent home to parents/carers

Do parents have to make an appointment to meet with staff or do you have an ‘open-door policy’?

  • Open-door policy to speak to a member of staff but an appointment will be made if they request to speak to a teacher, due to their teaching commitment
  • All parents are dealt with as swiftly as possible; usually on the day of initial contact or at the latest, the day after.
  • Telephone conversations can be completed for parents/carers

How do you keep parents updated with their child/young person’s progress?

  • Intervention Evenings
  • Parents’ Evenings
  • Home visits if requested
  • School reports
  • Progress checks sent home three times per year
  • Reward cards
  • Telephone calls
  • Email to parents/carers
  • SEND drop in weeks
  • All parents and pupils have access to their Arbor account which shows pupils positive and negative behaviours

Do you offer Open Days?

  • An Open Evening is held annually - members of the SEN team attend
  • Parents can make an appointment to tour the school
  • Open days for Year 6 children prior to starting in Year 7

How can parents give feedback to the school?

  • Via the school website
  • Parent conferences
  • Via questionnaires (Survey Monkey)
  • Parental meetings
  • Telephone calls, after parental meetings (SEN)
  • Arrange to see staff at a mutually convenient time

Working Together

Do you have home/school contracts?


What opportunities do you offer for students to have their say? e.g. school council

  • Student Council - once per term
  • Student Conferences – once per term
  • Departmental questionnaires
  • Informal basis when they come to the Strive Centre, Nurture room, Phonics room and Catch-up Literacy Room

What opportunities are there for parents/carers to have their say about their child’s education?

  • Parents Evenings
  • SEND open days
  • Review meetings
  • Open door policy
  • Arranging a meeting with teachers

What opportunities are there for parents/carers to get involved in the school or become school Governors?

  • Invitation to be a governor given at new students‘ Parents’ Evenings.
  • Invitation via the newsletter
  • Invitation via the website

How does the Governing Body involve other agencies in meeting the needs of students with SEN and supporting their families? (e.g. health, social care, voluntary groups

  • Governor link to SEND
  • Governor link to Pupil Welfare
  • Governors attend attendance and behaviour panels
  • The Governor linked to SEND or Vice Chair comes into school once every half term; parents are notified and can come in to meet them

What help and support is available for the family?

Do you offer help with completing forms and paperwork? If yes, who normally provides this help and how would parents access this?

Yes, the SENDCo would arrange to meet with them and help them complete all the necessary paperwork. Parents are offered this service at a parental meeting or by phone. Home visits are undertaken if the parent/carer can not get into school.

Close links with Parent Partnership who also support our parents with completion of forms.

Year Managers will also support parents to complete CAFs, etc.

What information, advice and guidance can parents and young people access through the school? Who normally provides this help and how would they access this?

A careers adviser will meet with the student and parent in school, make a home visit or in a neutral place. School pays extra for careers, hence, in-school equivalent to two days per week. SENDCO or Year Manager would provide the information and arrange for them to meet the school's Careers adviser. Pathway Choice Evenings are provided, and from Year 9 with Careers representative to attend EHCP reviews.

How does the school help parents with travel plans to get their child to and from school?

Support for travel can be arranged through the EHCP

Pupils living in the Little Hulton area have access to a free bus pass

Transition from Primary School and School Leavers

What support does the school offer for Year 6 children coming to the school? (e.g. visits to the school, buddying)

  • Year Managers for Year 7 and senior staff visit primary schools to speak to children in Year 6
  • GLA (Graded Literacy Assessment) are carried out on students so that a baseline is established and intervention groups formed upon transition
  • Year 6 children visit on three occasions in the final term of Year 6
  • Year 5 children visit
  • Children who need Peer Support are put in the same Form to support each other
  • Additional Nurture sessions are provided for children who need additional transition
  • Year Managers/SEND staff are available around school if there are any initial difficulties
  • Form Tutors, Heads of Year can be telephoned by parents with any concerns

What support is offered for young people leaving the school? (e.g. careers guidance, visits to colleges, apprenticeships, supported employment etc)

  • Taster days at local colleges in Year 11
  • Careers support during Years 9, 10 and 11 for statemented students and in Year 10 and 11 for all other students on the SEND register
  • Apprenticeships arranged in Year 11

What advice/support do you offer young people and their parents/carers about preparing for adulthood?

  • Constant reminders about the importance of good attendance and punctuality, good literacy and numeracy, good behaviour and attitude for the world of work and to be happy in personal life
  • Provide good role models of behaviour to students by the way staff treat each other and the students

Extra Curricular Activities

Do you offer school holiday and/or before and after school provision? If yes, please give details.

  • Before school – breakfast club in the dining room
  • Before, lunchtime and after school - Homework club for the more vulnerable students to encourage friendships and good relationships with staff

What lunchtime or after school activities do you offer? Do parents have to pay for these and if so, how much?

  • There are numerous after school activities that students are warmly invited to and we actively encourage students to participate in these
  • There are several clubs offered at lunchtime sports, computer, music and even an EAL club is offered
  • All clubs are mentioned in newsletters and on the website and displayed in classrooms

How do you make sure clubs, activities and residential trips are inclusive?

  • Risk assessments are carried out, parents are consulted and parents are offered a place to accompany their child if needed
  • 1:1 support or small group support for students
  • When invites go out for trips the quieter, more vulnerable students will be approached personally and persuaded to give it a go. Experienced, trained Teaching Assistants accompany most trips out

How do you help children and young people to make friends?

  • Nurture groups for Years 7 and 8
  • Peer mentoring
  • Specialised, small form groups
  • Interventions through Nurture and the Strive Centre


Annual Review

All statements and Education, Health and Care Plans must be reviewed annually.

The Annual Review ensures that that once a year the parents, the studentl, the Local Authority, the school and all professionals involved consider the progress the student has made over the last 12 months, and whether amendments need to be made to the statement or Education, Health and Care Plan.


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder/Attention Deficit Disorder

ADHD/ADD is a disorder that appears in early childhood.

ADHD/ADD makes it difficult for students to hold back their spontaneous responses (responses can involve everything from movement to speech to attentiveness). Students with ADD are not diagnosed as having excessive hyperactive behaviour but display all other symptoms.

Children with ADD/ADHD may be:
· Inattentive, hyperactive, and impulsive (the most common form)
· Inattentive, but not hyperactive or impulsive
· Hyperactive and impulsive, but able to pay attention


This involves building a picture of your child’s abilities, difficulties, behaviour, his/her special educational needs and the support required to meet those needs. Assessment is an important part of deciding whether your child’s progress rate is as good as is expected. Teachers carry out routine assessments regularly.

More specialised assessments may be required if progress is not at an expected rate. This may be carried out by the SENCO, an Educational Psychologist or an Advisory Teacher.

A statutory assessment is a formal procedure which involves the collection of information from as many people as possible who have detailed knowledge about your child. This may lead to the issue of a statement of special educational needs.

Asperger Syndrome

An autistic spectrum disorder characterised by difficulties with social interaction, social communication and inflexible thought patterns in an otherwise intelligent and able child.


Autistic Spectrum Disorder

Autistic spectrum disorders are characterised by difficulties interacting and communicating. The characteristics of autism can be described as the 'triad of impairment':
· Socialisation - poor social skills;
· Communication - difficulties with speech language and communication; · Imagination - rigid thought and resistance to change

The commonly used terms 'autism' and 'asperger syndrome' are autistic spectrum disorders.

C up L

Catch-up Literacy

Students with a reading age below 9 years 6 months attend extra literacy sessions to boost their reading scores and improve their access to the curriculum and their ability to be successful in GCSE exams

Clinical Psychologist

Clinical Psychologists help parents and children who are experiencing emotional and/or behavioural difficulties in their home environment

Code of Practice

The SEN Code of Practice (often referred to as ‘The Code’) gives practical guidance on how to identify, assess and support children with special educational needs. All early education settings, state schools and Local Education Authorities must take account of this Code when they are dealing with children who have special educational needs.


Differentiation is the adjustment of the teaching methods and/or resources according to the learning needs of the students. It can be aimed at the groups within the class or individuals. See also - Personalised Learning.

Differentiated Curriculum

A curriculum that is specially adapted to meet the special educational needs of individual children.


Dysarthria is a motor speech disorder. The muscles of the mouth, face and respiratory system may become weak, move slowly or not move at all following a stroke or other brain injury. Dysarthria can also be caused by cerebral palsy and muscular dystrophy. It can cause slurred speech, speaking softly or barely able to whisper, slow rate of speech, rapid rate of speech, drooling or poor control of saliva, chewing and swallowing difficulty.


Children with dyscalculia have difficulty in acquiring mathematical skills. Children may have difficulty understanding simple number concepts, lack an intuitive grasp of numbers and have problems learning number facts and procedures. Dyscalculia is a type of Specific Learning Difficulty (SpLD). See under SpLD below.


Dysgraphia makes the act of writing difficult. It can lead to problems with spelling, poor handwriting and putting thoughts on paper. People with dysgraphia can have trouble organising letters, numbers and words on a line or page. This can result partly from trouble processing what the eye sees (visual-spatial difficulties) or trouble processing and making sense of what the ear hears (language processing difficulties).


Children with dyslexia have a marked and persistent difficulty in learning to read, write and spell, despite making good progress in other areas. Areas of difficulty include: working memory, organisation, reading comprehension, handwriting, punctuation, concentration, sequencing words and numbers. Students with dyslexia may also mispronounce common words or reverse letters and sounds

in words. Dyslexia is a type of Specific Learning Difficulty (SpLD). See under SpLD below.


A disorder that affects the coordination of movement. This can affect coordination of the speech organs (oral dyspraxia) or other actions e.g. eating, dressing or writing. Dyspraxia is a type of Specific Learning Difficulty (SpLD). See under SpLD below.


Education, Health

and Care Plan

From 1 September 2014, Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs) will be issued instead of statements of SEN. Existing statements will be converted to EHCPs over the next three years. An EHCP has the same statutory protection as a statement but it can be issued at and maintained to any point from birth to the age of 25. The criteria and procedure for securing an EHCP for your child is detailed as part of Salford’s Local Offer.




Most, but not all, Educational Psychologists are employed by local authorities (LAs). Their main work is with schools and pre-school settings to provide advice, support and staff training for children with SEN. They may perform assessments of children with SEN and produce a report as part of the statutory assessment.

Exam Special


Special arrangements can be made for pupils who are disadvantaged during exams because of certain difficulties such as dyslexic tendencies. Readers, scribes and or extra time can be arranged for students who meet the exam board criteria, in order that the disadvantage they have can be redressed.

Exam Special


Special concessions can be arranged for pupils who qualify for these e.g. the exam paper can be enlarged or written in Braille for students with visual difficulties or a scribe can be used if a student breaks an arm before the exam etc.


Each school has a board of Governors that is responsible to parents, funders and the community for making sure the school provides a good quality education. In Academy schools the governors are often called ‘directors’.


Hearing Impairment

Children with a hearing impairment range from those with a mild hearing loss to those who are profoundly deaf. They cover the whole ability range. For educational purposes, children are regarded as having a hearing impairment if they require hearing aids, adaptations to their environment and/or particular teaching strategies in order to access the concepts and language of the curriculum.


Inclusion is the process by which schools and other establishments change their principles, policies, practices and environments to increase the presence, participation and achievement levels of children with special educational needs and/or a disability.


Learning Passport

A learning passport sets out the special help that a child will receive at school or early years setting to meet his or her special educational needs (SEN). It is not a legal requirement for your child to have a learning passport but it is good practice for parents and the child to be involved in drawing it up and reviewing it if there is one. A learning passport should be reviewed regularly and at least twice a year.


Learning Difficulties

A child has learning difficulties if he or she finds it much harder to learn than most children of the same age.

Learning Mentors

Learning Mentors work with school students and college students to help them address barriers to learning and improve achievement. The work they do depends on the priorities of the school they work in but can include running after-school clubs, anti-bullying programmes or helping young people to revise.


Local Education


Each council has an LEA. The LEA is responsible for the education of all children living within the council’s area and has some responsibility for all state schools in our area. In Salford, the LEA is combined with the children’s social services departments and is known as Children’s Services. Children’s Services have the same responsibilities for educational provision for children with special educational needs as LEAs.


Moderate Learning


Children with moderate learning difficulties have much greater difficulty than their peers in acquiring basic literacy and numeracy skills and in understanding concepts. They may also have associated speech and language delay, low self-esteem, low levels of concentration and under-developed social skills.

National Curriculum

This sets out a clear, full and statutory entitlement to learning for all children, setting out what should be taught and setting attainment targets for learning. It also determines how performance will be assessed and reported. The national curriculum is taught in a way that meets the needs of individual children, e.g.

setting goals that are achievable.

National Curriculum

Inclusion Statement

A detailed statement within the national curriculum, setting out the principles that schools must follow, to make sure that all children have the chance to succeed.

Nurture Room

Room where vulnerable students can work in small groups, with support, in a nurturing atmosphere to achieve at least 5 A*-C grades at GCSE level.


OFSTED stands for the Office for Standards in Education. OFSTED is the inspectorate for children and learners in England and they oversee the quality of the provision of education and care through inspection and regulation. They inspect childcare providers, schools, colleges, children’s services, teacher training and youth work.




Provides impartial advice and information to parents whose children have special educational needs. The service offers neutral and factual support on all aspects of the SEN framework to help parents play an active and informed role in their child’s education.



Personalised learning is about tailoring education to meet individual needs, interests and aptitudes to ensure that every student achieves and reaches the highest standards possible, no matter what their background or circumstances or level of ability.


A system of teaching reading and spelling that stresses basic symbol-sound relationships and how this works in decoding words.



A child with phonological difficulties finds it hard to select and use the correct sounds necessary for speech.


Physical Difficulty

There is a wide range of physical disabilities and students cover the whole ability range. Some children are able to access the curriculum and learn effectively without additional educational provision. They have a disability but do not have a special educational need. For others, the impact on their education may be severe. In the same way, a medical diagnosis does not necessarily mean that a child

has SEN. It depends on the impact the condition has on their educational needs.

There are a number of medical conditions associated with physical disability which can impact on mobility. These include cerebral palsy, heart disease, spina bifida and hydrocephalus, muscular dystrophy. Children with physical disabilities may also have sensory impairments, neurological problems or learning difficulties. Some children are mobile but have significant fine motor difficulties which require support.


Physiotherapists see children who have difficulties with movement (e.g.: walking, kicking a ball). The therapist will assess the child’s movements and identify what the physical problems are and then devise a treatment plan.

Pyramid Club

Club set up in liaison with the Schools' Psychology Service. This is an after school club for very quiet, vulnerable Year 7/8 students who need support to grow in confidence, make friends and build trusting relationships with nurturing staff who can support them in school and help them to become more independent.

Responsible Person

The person (either the Headteacher/Deputy Headteacher, Chair of the Governing Body or SEN Governor), who has responsibility for making sure that staff know about a child’s special educational needs.




Needs and Disabilities


A Special Educational Needs and DisabilitiesCoordinator or SENDCO is a teacher who has the responsibility for overseeing the day-to-day SEN provision within his or her school. The SENDCO and your child’s teacher(s) should work together to plan how his/her needs should be met.




The special help given to children with special educational needs which is additional to or different from the provision generally made for other children of the same age.




The special help given to children with special educational needs which is additional to or different from the provision generally made for other children of the same age.


Specific Learning


See Dyslexia, Dyscalculia and Dyspraxia above.

Special Educational


Children with special educational needs have significantly greater difficulty in learning than most children of the same age or have a disability. These children may need extra or different help from that given to other children of the same age. Approximately one fifth of all children may have an SEN at some point in their school career.

School Support

Students that are identified within school as needing some additional support with literacy, numeracy or both within the mainstream environment. Intervention is led by the class teacher and progress is monitored over a given period of time.

Special Educational

Needs (SEN) Code

of Practice

See ‘Code of Practice’ above

of Special


The Statement of Special Educational Needs, or 'Statement' describes the special educational needs of a child and the help that she or he will get to meet those needs. It is a legal document that is produced at the end of a process known as ‘statutory assessment’. Only those children with the most severe, complex and persistent SEN will need a Statement. From September 1st 2104, no new statements will be written. Instead a new document – an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) with the same legal protection as a Statement will be produced.



This is the legal process for producing an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP). Parents, a young person over the age of 16 who is deemed capable and a variety of professionals can request a statutory assessment. Parents and/or the young person themselves if they are deemed capable, must give their permission for this to go ahead. Not all Statutory Assessments result in the issuing of an Education, Health and Care Plan. From September 2014, Statutory Assessment can be carried out at any time between a child’s birth and the age of 25, although there will be very few young people undergoing the process for the first time beyond the age
of 16.

Strive Centre

This is a room in school where the SEND team are based.  Here is a quiet learning area for intervention work, before and after school intervention takes place in this area where children can get 1:1 TA support.


Teaching Assistants

Almost all schools now employ Teaching Assistants to support whole classes, small groups or individual students. Teaching Assistants may be called other things, such as Learning Support Assistant (LSA) or Special Support Assistant (SSA) particularly if they support a child with special needs.


Transition is when a child moves from one setting to another, such as from home to a childminder, to nursery, to primary school, to secondary school, or from education into adult life. Planning for transition is important if your child has a significant level of need where advance preparations may need to be made in the new setting to ensure it is successful.

Transition Plan

If your child has a statement of SEND that has not yet been converted in to an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP), the annual review in Year 9 (and any subsequent annual reviews until the young person leaves school) must include the drawing up and subsequent review of a Transition Plan. The Transition

Plan should draw together information from a range of professionals within and beyond the school in order to plan for the young person's transition to adult life. If your child has an EHCP, the Transition Plan is replaced by a ‘Preparing for adulthood’ review (see above).


Visual Impairment

Vision loss to such a degree that additional support is required. Refers to people with irretrievable sight loss and does not include those whose sight problems can be corrected by spectacles or contact lenses, though it does include those whose sight might be improved by medical intervention. This simple definition covers a wide spectrum of different impairments.