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First Aid Policy

First Aid

Version |  June 2023

Review Date: June 2024

Approved review date by Governors:

A consultation via email around the contents of this policy has been conducted
with all staff prior to the policy release

The H&S (First Aid) Regulations 1981 require employers to provide trained persons, equipment etc., to deal with First Aid emergencies. This policy outlines Co-op Academy Swinton’s responsibility to provide adequate and appropriate first aid to students, staff, parents and carers and visitors and the procedures in place to meet that responsibility. This document should be read in conjunction with the Health & Safety Policy and Medical Treatment Policy.

This academy recognises that first aid can save lives and prevent minor injuries becoming major ones. This document has been prepared to provide guidance on the policy and procedures for dealing with first aid at Co-op Academy Swinton. The requirements for the statutory provision of first aid have been taken into full account to ensure that it will provide adequate and appropriate equipment, facilities and qualified First Aid personnel. Failure to implement the procedures contained in this document could result in a criminal offence as well as disciplinary action being taken by the academy. This policy is informed by the DFE’s Guidance on First Aid for Schools and is reviewed annually.


  • To identify the first aid needs of the academy in line with the Management of H&S at Work Regulations 1999.
  • To ensure the first aid provision is available at all times while people are on academy premises, and also off the premises whilst on academy business.


  • To appoint the appropriate number of suitable trained people as Appointed First Aiders to meet the needs of the academy.
  • To provide relevant training to ensure monitoring of resources and facilities.
  • To inform staff and parents of the academy's first aid arrangements.
  • To keep accident records and to report to the HSE as required under RIDDOR (Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995)


The Principal

The Principal is responsible for the Health & Safety of their employees and anyone else on the premises including staff, students and visitors (including contractors).

They must ensure that a risk assessment of the academy is undertaken and that appointment, training and resources for first aid arrangements are appropriate and in place.

They should ensure that the insurance arrangement of the academy is undertaken and that the appointments, training and resources for first aid arrangements are appropriate and in place.

They should ensure that the insurance arrangements provide full cover for claims arising from actions of staff acting within the scope of their employment.

The Principal is responsible for putting the policy into practice and for developing detailed procedures.

The Principal should ensure that the policy and information on the academy’s arrangement for first aid are made available to parents and carers.

All staff are expected to do all they can to secure the welfare of the students.

First Aiders and Appointed Persons:


A First Aider is a person who has attended, successfully completed and has a valid certificate for the three day ‘First Aid at Work’ training course approved by the HSE.

First Aid means: 

  • Cases where a person needs help from a medical practitioner or nurse
  • Treatment for the purpose of preserving life and minimising the consequences of injury and illness until such help is obtained
  • Treatment of minor injuries which would otherwise receive no treatment or do not need treatment by a medical practitioner or nurse.

Identification of Suitable Employees:

In selecting First Aiders the Principal should consider the persons:

  • Reliability and communication skills
  • Aptitude and ability to absorb knowledge and learn new skills
  • Ability to cope with stressful and physically demanding emergency procedures
  • Normal duties. A first aider must be able to leave to go immediately to an emergency.

The Principal must ensure that the candidates are fully briefed on the role and requirements of being a First Aider. They must understand the health risks associated with rendering first aid and be prepared to receive appropriate health and immunisation advice.

Roles and Responsibilities of First Aiders:

  • Takes charge when someone is ill or injured
  • Looks after first aid equipment e.g. restocking first aid supplies
  • Ensure an ambulance or other professional medical help is summoned when appropriate. Admin should be contacted immediately

Emergency First Aid training is also given to members of staff to cope with an emergency

First Aider responsibilities:

  • Attending an initial approved training course approved by the HSE
  • Ensuring their own recommended immunisations/injections are up to date
  • Reporting any illness or injury to the H&S Officer of the academy
  • Attend three yearly refresher courses before the expiry date of their previous accreditation.

First Aiders should be provided where a person will need further medical treatment until such time help arrives or for treatment of minor injuries. It should be noted that the treatment of minor illnesses, by the administration of tablets or medicines falls outside the definition of first aid.

The role of the First Aider is to provide care after an accident or injury including preserving life, minimising further damage and making the patient as comfortable as possible until professional medication or nursing help becomes available. It is NOT to give treatment. 

Any staff who discover a serious injury or illness will make contact with Admin/First Aider and take charge until they arrive.

In the result of emergency services being needed the First Aider needs to be contacted by radio (which is always carried and switched on) so that deployment of staff can be made to assist them to the casualty.

The First Aider will decide on whether the ill or injured party will be moved or remain undisturbed and may take appropriate action, depending on the assessment of the situation.

In the case of a serious incident all available staff will seek to ensure the welfare of other students in the area.

Indemnity and Insurance:

Where an employee acting in the course of their employment administers first aid assistance to another employee or other person in the charge of the academy, such as a student, they will be indemnified by the liability insurance for a claim of negligence relating to injury or loss caused by their actions provided that:

  • They are the designated First Aider with a current valid First Aid at Work Certificate
  • The relevant PPE is used
  • The First Aider is adhering to protocols and acting within the limitations of their training.

Use of EpiPens:

Members of staff who have been trained in the use of the EpiPen whether by a parent/carer, user or medical staff will also be covered under the academy insurance providing that:

  • The member of staff is adhering to protocols and acting within the limitations of the training
  • That the member of staff is acting in good faith

Risk Assessment/PEEP (Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans):

Reviews are carried out at least annually, and when circumstances alter, at the request of the Principal. Recommendations on measures needed to prevent or control identified risks forwarded to the Principal.

The Principal will review the First Aid needs following any changes to staff, building/site activities, off site facilities etc.

The Facilities Manager monitors the number of trained First Aiders, alerts them to the need for refresher courses and organised training.

Risk Assessments and PEEPs are completed for students and staff as appropriate so their needs can be assessed and emergency evacuation is covered.

Providing Information:

As part of the academy’s annual monitoring and evaluation cycle, the Principal will inform all staff (including those with reading and language difficulties) of First Aid arrangements, including the location of the equipment and First Aid Personnel and the procedures for monitoring and reviewing the academy’s First Aid needs

  • Human Resources provides information packs for new staff as part of their induction
  • Includes staff information on the location of First Aid Personnel, equipment and facilities
  • We currently have 6 trained First Aiders in the academy

Control of Infections:

  • A medical isolation room is available on site
  • Please see Covid Risk Assessment for further details

First Aid Policy-June 2022