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Mobile Devices Policy

Mobile Devices

Version 2 |  June 2023


Our children have become far too reliant on their mobile devices through the lockdown period. For many, their phone will have been their only contact with the world, this is not healthy and cannot continue post lockdown.

Due to this, and other potential benefits, students will not be allowed their phones out in school at any time, including break and lunch time, starting in September. If your child needs to carry a phone to and from school that is fine but please be aware that any child who has their phone out in school will have it confiscated for the remainder of the day in the first instance. There will be no warnings, the expectation is that phones are not seen at any time in the school building, this also includes headphones/earbuds etc. If they need to contact you during the school day then they must do this through the school office. I understand times have changed but every generation prior to this one managed in this way and I am confident they will adapt.

Main reasons for this decision:

  • We need students to re-engage with each other and not just through mobile devices
  • Use of mobile phones reduces the attention span of students. When overused or misused they have a damaging effect on people's mental health and wellbeing.
  • The majority of arguments between students in school begin on social media platforms. This often leads to time out of school for individuals which further impacts their learning
  • Schools that completely ban phones see an increase in engagement and outcomes for students. On average the increase in exam results is 6.4%, with students who were underperforming showing, on average, a 14% improvement

These are benefits we cannot ignore, we have tried a variety of ways to allow students to use their phones in school and all have continued to interrupt learning. I hope you understand our decision and will support us with its enforcement.

What happens if your child has a mobile device out in the school building?

  • Your child will be directed to go to the main school reception to hand the device to a staff member, or the mobile device will be confiscated by a member of staff and placed in the front office.
  • The device will be stored securely for the day and your child can pick up the device at the end of their school day

If your child does not hand in the device to the main school reception, then appropriate sanctions will be put into place as per our behaviour policy Behaviour Policy

If your child repeatedly breaches the mobile device expectations parents/carers will become involved.

Mobile Devices Policy-September 2020